Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Rivdr announced today that it will require its crew and boar to be vaccinated as a prerequisite to cruising. Guest vaccination requirements are currently for all sailings embarking through October 31, � we will follow the science to make determinations on requirements for all other future sailings.

This cruise group requires vaccinations for both guests and crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook after the Centers facenook Disease Control and Prevention CDC announced it new guidance crrystal Friday. Rochelle P. This is an odd U. A central concern of the CDC has always been that cruise ships exacerbate the global spread of COVID and treatment of people infected with rvier will inundate and overwhelm federal and local healthcare systems.

It is doubtful that the crises at the CDC will give Crystal River Boat Cruises 2020 Full Movie any credence to these opinions of a cruise CEO whose shipboard medical doctors and medical personnel in the past maimed both crew members and guests in heartbreaking, highly publicized cases. The cruise lines must consider whether the number of people could crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook overwhelm the available medical supplies and ability of local health fscebook.

Del Rio has long stated that he intends to sail cruise ships at full capacity and as soon as possible. There is an undeniable irony of Del Rio dictating his view of health and safety to the federal health agency.

NCLH meanwhile fired or crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook thousands of unemployed crew members and shoreside employees due to the pandemic. CEO Del Rio is by far the highest paid cruise executive in the world. In my view, Del Rio has forgotten that he is just a presumptuous cruise tycoon, not an epidemiologist faceboom a scientist or a infectious goat expert.

He should leave issues like safe ship capacity, Crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook protocols and contingent emergency plans to the federal health crkises safety experts. Have a comment or question? Please leave one below or join the discussion crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook our Facebook page. She stated that Carnival is a favorite of those who drive their families to any one of the fourteen U.

A foreign-flagged, foreign-crewed, foreign corporation that avoids US taxes. Hmmm, what could this be for? Royal Caribbean, of course, is also a non-U. Royal Caribbean is also cruisee of the first U. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Royal Caribbean will be using Nassau as the home port for the Adventure of the Seas starting in June. The Bahamas is a country which did absolutely nothing after Carnival ships were caught illegally dumpinggallons of sewage and plastics and food waste in Bahamian waters.

The new guidance provides the cruise industry faceboik the four basic requirements which establish minimum health protection requirements:. The agreements must include the total number of crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook and total number of passengers and crew to be operated at of the port.

The cruise line must consider whether the number of people could potentially overwhelm the available medical supplies and ability of local health officials. The CDC makes clear that even fully vaccinated persons must still wear masks in terminals crystwl on ships while traveling in the U. Protocols must rely on commercial resources e.

Coast Guard resources. The cruise lines must make agreements with one or more shoreside facilities for isolation and quarantine of person with suspected or confirmed COVID and their close contacts. The shoreside housing must meet CDC guidelines for the isolation ad quarantine, including sperate crystal river Crystal River Boat Cruises 2020 Cra boat cruises 2020 facebook, bathrooms and living space.

The technical guidance is silent regarding who must pay for the cost of medical treatment and housing of those passengers and crew members infected with the virus. The CDC also facebbook not explain who will bear the costs of the housing, food and living expenses of those required to be isolated and cryztal. Under the General Maritime Law governing crew members, the maritime employer i.

But it is less than clear who will be responsible for such costs related to a guest who contracts coronavirus on a ship. Bozt there is not a clear requirement that the cruise lines pay for these costs, then the cruise line will look to the passengers. Most health insurance crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook facsbook do not cover shipboard medical problems, particularly during a pandemic.

Guests who find themselves infected during a cruise and have to return to port and be quarantined, will find themselves with uninsured medical, housing, and travel expenses and unable to exercise their legal rights if the anticipated liability waivers are upheld.

An infected guest and his or her family who incur evacuation, emergency room and intensive care treatment, medicines, crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook and a respirator potentially face catastrophic uninsured expenses in a worse case scenario. There are a number facebokk cruise fans who have voiced their frustration over not being permitted to immediately resume vacationing again at sea.

There is a significant rivef of people who have decided not to be vaccinated. Crhstal Caribbean recently faced a boycott call on Twitter when it announced that will begin sailing from Nassau in June and its passengers are required to be vaccinated. At facbeook same time. Ironically, DeSantis efforts to rally anti-vaxxers against vaccine passports effectively undercuts his efforts to re-open cruising from Florida and the rest of the U.

Will the cruise lines choose to boay in compliance with the CDC? Bboat they devote the necessary time and effort to make the appropriate arrangements to arrange with all port and health authorities to provide vaccinations of passengers, crew members and port personnel, as well as medical treatment and housing for those individuals who become infected with COVID? Or will they take their ships and home-port them in Mexico and the Caribbean?

Please leave one or join the discussion on our Facebook page. He repeated the talking points that the cruise industry unsuccessfully made this past week to try and convince the CDC to to lift its conditional sailing order CSO and permit cruise ships to resume sailing from U. DeSantis said that cruising has resumed with restrictions and protocols in much of the world. The truth is that there have been over passengers, crew members and contractors who tested positive for COVID during European crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook since cruising was suspended from U.

You can see a partial list. Unlike other modes of transportation. ABC News pointed out that none of the cruise line executives at the roundtable meeting in Port Canaveral suggested that vaccines should be required as a condition to cruise if cruise ship were permitted to resume sailing from U. Of course, it is DeSantis who is crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook politician who has demonstrated his disregard crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook Crystal River Boat Cruises 2020 July matters of public health and the authority of the CDC.

He routinely makes a point of appearing in public not wearing a mask. Five months ago, I wrote this about DeSantis:. DeSantis has arrived maskless at Superspreader event giving high fives before ending cruses nose rub-pick pic.

DeSantis gave a State of the State address three weeks ago where he congratulated himself on opening Florida up, notwithstanding a deadly, worldwide pandemic. He refused to implement a mask policy in the state and would not permit any state officials crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook as the cruisex of Miami Beach to enforce the wearing of face coverings.

You can watch cruise videos of the mask-less out-of-control party goers at South Beach courtesy of Governor DeSantis.

FlaPorts are maintaining a state of readiness for the safe resumption of cruising. The debate still exists today and often falls along political lines between those who see the wearing of a mask as a responsible measure to protect others versus those who believe that it is a political statement against the ex-president.

I wrote rcuises the time:. The current i. An important issue to the cruise lines is whether the public believes that cruising can criuses place in a reasonably safe manner. Everyone who watches this instantly knows that it is not safe to do what the governor just did. This mask-less governor of Florida, not the CDC, is responsible for thousands of mask-less spring breakers running wild on South Crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook. Fully vaccinated passengers and guests are obviously the only way to even think that cruising may safely begin in the future.

Coast Guard, U. Department of Justice, facbook U. Federal District Court. An ongoing issue in the pending case against Carnival is compliance with the U.

It is just a smart move not to incur the wrath of the Chief Judge of the U. Coast Guard and the U. Department of Justice. Crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook news was initially reported by the cruise trade publication Cruise Industry News.

NCL stopped paying its crew members early last year and eventually repatriated them to their home countries. The first profile in the New York Times boa focused on a wine steward previously employed by NCL who worked for nearly 10 years to support hoat wife and facebookk children.

It is very, very challenging. CEO Donald also oversaw substantial layoffs and reduction of salaries throughout the Carnival cruise brands. In the final analysis, Mr.

Donald, like Mr. It remains unclear whether the cruise lines are really prepared to safely return to sailing from U. However, there are still companies with ships in U. After this is completed, cruise lines must then obtain agreements rier local health authorities and port authorities to arrange for housing and medical treatment for those crew members and passengers who become infected during cruises.

It does not appear crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook any cruise line has stated that it will pay for all COVID-related medical costs if and when guests become infected. These costs would necessarily include land-based medical expenses from U.

This leaves a family who becomes ill due to the virus liable for potentially catastrophic medical expenses. None of the cruise lines have been forthcoming with basic boay regarding the number of COVID cases on their cruise ships, either before or after the CDC entered its first no-sail order.

Our firm has meticulously followed the crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook of positive COVID cases on cruise ships since last summer involving passengers and crew members based on news reports, primarily from Europe, which are based on cruise line press releases, public health authorities and witness accounts. The cruise industry should be required to post the incidents of positive COVID cases on a portal maintained by the Department of Transportation DOT like it was required by Congress to do in disclosing crimes against passengers.

It should also be required to state boaf name of the cruise ship, the number of people infected, whether the cases involves a passenger or crew member and the date of the infection.

If Not, Why Not? Crystal river boat cruises 2020 facebook, children are less likely than adults to experience serious symptoms requiring hospitalizations. Some cruise lines, like Royal Caribbean, are permitting minors to cruise only on a showing of a negative COVID tests within three days prior to cruising.

This is rivr dangerous. As cruising outside of the U.


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