How to Wear a Paddle Holster | Informational Guide - Gun Mann The holster itself provides the same great retention and fit you can expect from every Gunleather holster while the added paddle adds to its day to day functionality. Allowing you to slip the holster on and off at a moment�s notice. Making running errands easier and switching out your everyday carry firearm for your range pistol quicker. Sep 30, �� Buy a paddle holster suited to your chosen handgun. Paddle holsters are made by several manufacturers, and come in different sizes and styles to suit different handguns and different needs. When possible, buy a holster that is designed specifically for your chosen handgun. Some paddle holsters are made of leather, while others are made of rigid Views: 30K. Dec 22, �� A paddle holster features a wide concave-shaped piece of metal/plastic/leather which works as the backing of the holster and is used to mount the entire setup on the waistband. One part of paddle itself is pushed inside the waistband of the pants so the holster stays OWB (outside the waistband). The paddle uses a spring based clip mechanism, along with friction, to stay in place.
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Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Things You'll Need. Related Articles. Part 1 of Choose a compact handgun to holster if concealment is important. Most paddle holsters will hold the pistol low and angle it away from your body.

Buy a paddle holster suited to your chosen handgun. Paddle holsters are made by several manufacturers, and come in different sizes and styles to suit different handguns and different needs.

When possible, buy a holster that is designed specifically for your chosen handgun. The choice typically comes down to fit for your weapon and personal preference. Select a sturdy belt and pants that have a slightly loose fit at the waist. Otherwise, the paddle may cause discomfort. At the same time, though, the weight of the holster and gun may cause pants that are too loose to droop.

So go for pants that fit but give you a little breathing room. However, wearing a belt thickens your waistband, which helps hold the holster in place, and the protruding belt provides a catch point to hold the holster in place when you draw your firearm. Most paddle holsters work best with sturdy leather or synthetic belts that are 1�2 in 2. Pick a loose shirt or jacket that will conceal your holster. Since this is an outside the waistband OWB holster, you will need to wear a long, loose top like a blazer or jacket in order to conceal the pistol and holster.

To really hide the holstered weapon effectively, you may need to buy outerwear that is slightly longer and more flowing than normal. Belt-style holsters are less bulky, and inside the waistband IWB holsters are the easiest to conceal, but these styles tend to be less comfortable to wear.

Part 2 of If you intend to carry a loaded pistol, load it according to its instructions before you insert it into the holster. If you do not wish to carry a loaded pistol, make sure that it is not loaded again, according to its instructions before you proceed.

Slide the barrel of the handgun into the holster. Grab the handle of the pistol, but keep your finger off the trigger and along the side of the gun as you handle it. Then, slide the barrel of the pistol into the holster. Press it in firmly until the handgun is seated fully into the body of the holster.

If you pick up the holstered handgun by the handle, the holster should remain in place. Otherwise, the holster will pull out of your waistband and stay on the handgun when you draw your weapon. Some paddle holsters are adjustable so you can improve the fit.

Otherwise, you may have to find a different handgun and holster combination. Latch the gun into the holster, if your holster model has a latch. Many models of paddle holsters have button latches, but some do not. If yours does have a latch, snap it in place to further secure the weapon. Most latches are made so that you can easily unlatch them with your thumb as you draw the weapon. Place the holstered pistol above your waistband, paddle side facing in.

Grab the holstered handgun by its handle, with your finger off the trigger. The rigid paddle portion of the holster faces inward toward your body, and will tuck into your waistband. The part of the holster that holds the firearm will hang over the outside of your waistband. Alternatively, you can place the holster over your weak side hip so that you draw the weapon across your front with your dominant hand.

Some people like to place the holster over their tailbones for added concealment, but you run the risk of hurting yourself if you fall on your back. Slide the paddle between your waistband and your underwear. Push the paddle completely over the waistband of your pants, as far downward as it will go. You should feel the tension of the paddle pressing against the waistband of your pants. The holster will remain much more secure, however, if you tuck it inside your waistband and over your belt.

This security clip helps prevent the holster from sliding out when you draw your weapon. Part 3 of Draw the firearm from the holster with a smooth, secure motion. Grab the handle of the gun with your dominant hand and lift it straight up. Once the barrel has cleared the holster, grip the firearm with both hands and practice aiming the weapon. If the holster has a button latch, you will need to unsnap the latch before removing the gun. Now pull both ends of the thread tight.

With a final tight pull once all thread is through. Then � continue those steps with each stitch hole until you get all the way to the top of the holster where we still have a few un-punched holes. Here I take my diamond punch awl and carefully feed it into the top side hole, and push until I pierced the back side. Unfortunately mine was not, so what I did instead was used the diamond punch awl to make a mark int he back side at each hole. Then I tool the piece out of the stitching pony, over to my rubber mat, and laying the piece down with the back side exposed I forced the awl into each marking and made the punch.

This helped avoid an inevitable bloody slip of a non-sharpened tool. With all of the holes punched, I repeated the stitch all the way to the top of the holster. To finish the stitching, you literally stitch everything in reverse. On my first backstitch I now start with the left needle on the left side and pass it through one stitch hole back from the top.

I pull a short length of thread through and apply pressure forward to create space for the needle. The thread is then pulled tight. Next � repeat these backstitches in two more holes. A total of three backstitches is usually plenty.

Now that both needles are on the back side of the holster I tie a simple knot behind one of the stitches and cut the thread off. One critique I have at this point is to use a diamond punch set with closer spacing. The closer spaced ones have a more refined look. Time to Making A Paddle Holster 50 test fit the gun into the holster. Leather can take days to fully dry. Everything seems to be fitting quite well. The stitched edge sometimes is not perfectly cut or aligned. After stitching you can sand it down nicely with the drum sander.

After drum sanding I usually jump down to a fine grit paper and get that edge nice and smooth. I then wet the edge of the leather only slightly and push it up against my cocobolo burnisher with the waxed canvas. Edge burnishing in this way will produce a nice glassy edge. And there you have it, a simple half day project for most. I realized my dye never really set in the way I wanted it too. I can fix this to some extent by putting a few more coats of oil on the leather.

I also know that vegetable-tanned leather earns a beautiful patina over time. It truly is an amazing leather to work with. A few months ago I made a stamped leather belt, check it out here. The holster on the right was a bit overkill, but it does have that old western dry desert look to it. The best part about making things with oyur hands is you can experiment and try new things, and the results will sometimes surprise you. Hey � if you have any questions about this tutorial, please let me know by writing a comment below.

I usually respond within a day or two max. Thin Leather Wallet. Leather Belt � Regular. Large Briefcase. Well � that depends on the gun size really. Thanks Sean, I can only imagine leather is more fun to work with than Kydex. You may want to check out my tutorial on how to make a leather wallet here first. I always wanted to know how a leather holster is made. Thank you Mr Lentz!

When I understand how something is made, I appreciate it more. Hi Alexis � yep, just make sure as you go to mentally construct things. I think my first time around I made the template on the paper, but when I went to trace it on the leather I had flipped it upside down�thus making the left vs.

Thank you for making this tutorial. Thank you. Thank you so much for posting these guides. I have followed them to learn the basic of leatherworking and am starting to produce some really beautiful work. Much appreciated! I kinda confused beginner here about the part after you punched the first set of holes for stitching.

Can you elaborate on this part? Thanks for a great tutorial. Hi Don � Sure, basically you can see that you first mark a stitch line on the front side of the holster then use the diamond awl to punch the stitch holes.

Because of the way the diamond holes are oriented�if you just slide the holster down and punch the other edge � when the holster is folded the diagonal holes will not match up.

So to fix that, you need to flip the leather over and punch from the back side on that other edge. Thus when folded the two edge holes will line up.

Hope that helps! I just found your site this evening and cannot wait for tomorrow to get here, so I can start rounding up everything I need to make a holster for my tracker Have looked lots of places, but found nothing but high-dollar custom-made ones I cannot afford.

I have worked with leather many years ago, so I am very happy to have found your template. Thanks very much. Thanks Terry � the more you look into holster making it is quite the specialty trade. The tutorial I have here though should be manageable for most people to make. For daily use you may over time make thicker versions with a welt, and consider we forming over the gun for a nicer fit. Hi I am looking for a leather left handed 4 inch holster that covers the trigger guard and which fits on a belt for a Smith and Wesson revolver.

What would it cost to make one for me. I am left handed and carry a 44 special. I like revolvers rather than semi. But I would carry the if I could find a good leather holster for it.

I might introduce custom knife sheaths soon so keep an eye on the shop. I was looking to find the best thickness for holsters when I found your site. I also made a pancake holster for a friend. Seeing your tutorial has helped me very much. I always have a problem with the measurements and the trivger. Thanks for making it easier for me. Hi Jeff � glad you liked the tutorial. Technically this is a very beginners version to get people going in the right direction.

At some point you may want to look into adding a welt to your holster if needed, as well as hardening the leather a bit with heat. Good luck! Awesome holster!

What do you use Making A Paddle Holster Zoom to seal the exterior of the leather without softening? Hot Wax dipping is another very good way to finish vegetable tanned leather goods if you are looking to go chemical free. To make the leather harder before sealing you can use a method called Cuir Boilli, which is basically leather quickly dipped in boiling water to harden it like armor. Such excellent clear instructions! Very well explained.

I did a practice one first and it turned out very nice. Thank you for this well written, clear, easy to follow tutorial! Hi Robert, this is kind of a shortcut to help speed things up. Since I applied a water based shop-made dye to the grain side, it would be damp for a while. If I applied the oil to the same side, it simply would not soak in or do so in a blotchy manner. So the trick is to apply the oil to the backside that is still dry.

You have to be careful though � the flesh side can really soak it up quickly and lead to over-oiling. If you have more time, just let things dry first, then apply to the grain side. Further � if you are using an alcohol based dye, you have a much shorter dry time and can oil it on the grain side too.

Thanks again! Thank you for this Tutorial Mr. Lentz, this is the best and most simple tutorial I have found to date and It left me with a very nice product.

I chose to tool a basket weave pattern on to my holster complete with a dark brown dye to match my belt. Thanks again for the tutorial! Glad you found it easy Luke! I wish I had more skills in tooling when I made this tutorial a while back. A basket weave is a great choice and would look nice on this style of holster.

Thanks Jeff � if you are hand sewing I would use a 5 cord linen thread or a Ritza 25 1. Note this holster tutorial is for a looser fit, unlike the wet-formed version. For deer hunting I need a plain, western-style left-handed cross draw holster that partially conceals the trigger, with a hammer thong, for a large-frame double-action Ruger revolver.

My only suggestion is if you could explain in a little more detail about that fork-looking tool that you use to punch the holes for the stitching � diamond punch awl?

Are there different sizes for different size thread? If so, what size prongs should we use for holster thread? Hi John, glad you found it useful! This tutorial should get you started in the right direction, as you may find out � the more you dig into holster making, the more there is to learn.

The fork thing is a pricking iron and there are two versions. I use the kind tha make a diamond shape used for stitching leather.

Thank you for the tutorial. I am working on my own version. Your work has been very helpful. Lentz, I want to thank you as well. This was a real treat for me to read as I am new to all leather work, and have ran into a few of the errors you mentioned above. I can Making A Paddle Holster Key say I had had stitches because of dull and sharp and I do prefer the sharp ones.

Haha I started with making a knife sheath. Now I would consider it a cheat though as I had a pattern to follow from the one on it. That made me want more though and now this is a sickness for me. I only want to add to your recommendations and say practice your craft and it becomes great, you will get the same return from your craft! Thanks again, I am inspired for great things now and can start my day.

Sincerely, Walter. Hi Walter � happy to hear you found this one challenging and fun too. Careful Making A Paddle Holster Yoga � leatherwork can be addictive! If you are ready for a slightly more advanced tutorial, I would recommend my axe sheath tutorial here: How to Make an Axe Sheath.

Thanks and have fun! Your email address will not be published. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Quick View. Mens Leather Wallet. A Quick Respite in Oregon.

Kyle says: Very beautiful work. Keep up the good work! September 10, at pm Reply. Lentz says: thanks! Im sure there are thousands more. Richard Baker says: How many sqft does it take to make a holster? December 13, at am Reply.

Lentz says: Well � that depends on the gun size really. December 13, at pm Reply. Sean says: Hi! December 28, at am Reply. Lentz says: Thanks Sean, I can only imagine leather is more fun to work with than Kydex. Sean says: Thanks! December 29, at am Reply.

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