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This mini-lecture discusses the classical upstream-downstream boat on the river word problem, also known as water current myboat013 boatplans is now a second part. This lesson is a collection of selected problems from the archive of this site on a boat floating Upstream and Downstream. Problem 1. A canoe traveled Downstream with the current and went a distance of 15 miles in three hours. On the return trip, the canoe traveled Upstream against the current. It took 5 hours to make the return trip.� Let u = the canoe speed in still water (the speed relative to water), in mph. v = the speed of the current. When canoe travels downstream, its speed relative to the bank of the river is the sum u + v, and it is equal to. u + v = (speed =). When canoe travels upstream, its speed relative to the bank of the river is the difference u - v, and it is equal to. u - v = (again, speed =). Rewrite these equations with calculated right sides: u + v = 5, (1) u - v = 3. (2). So upstream is where water/data comes from (e.g. an HTTP request) and downstream is where it goes (e.g. the underlying system that services the request). I've been looking at API gateways recently and noticed that some of them used the inverse of this definition. I shrugged it off as an oddity at the time. I then discovered that nginx, which some API gateways are based on, also uses the terminology in the opposite way to what I expected. nginx calls the servers that it sends requests to "upstream servers", and presumably the incoming requests would therefore be "downstream.

Main points:

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) as well as I used to fish from the ten' jon vessel upon the stlil tiny pool .

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admin, 21.02.2021

Comments to «Upstream Downstream Still Water Problems 1??»

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