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Rivets or welds upon aluminum. A little of these have Boat And Stream Problems Formula Us been bona fide claims, or merely take in a underwater scenery.

If the speed of stream is km/h, then the speed of man in still water is. Solution: By using above formulae = [(6+2) / ()] = * (8/4) = * 2 = 3km/h Type 3: A boat�s speed in still water at x km/h. In a stream flowing at y km/h, if it takes it t hours to row to a place and come back, then the distance between two places is. Find the distance travelled by the boat in direction of stream for 3hours, speed of the boat in still water is 5 km/h and speed of the stream is 2km/h. Speed of the boat or swimmer in still water = 5 km/h Speed of the stream = 2 km/h Time taken = 3 hours Downstream Speed of the boat File Size: KB.

Homepage Tutorials. But there is one difference. Download Gradeupthe best government exam app for Preparation. Here you formupa to find speed of stream and not the speed of the boat. Prashant Kumar Yadav Jan 1, Report.

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