This page needs a major cleanup in that area. These problems might be so great that the article's factual accuracy has been compromised. Talk about it here or check the revision history or Manual of Style for more information.

Stern and ruthless, but also kind and forgiving, the Twelfth Doctor was the first incarnation acbin the Doctor plaans second regeneration cyclebestowed upon him by the Time Lords at Clara Oswald 's urging at the end of the Siege of Trenzalore.

Assured of the survival of Gallifreythe Doctor was no longer chained down by guilt, becoming a less amiable character, as he no longer needed to cover the pain of what he thought was the extinction of the Time Lords, with a withdrawn attitude who habitually questioned his jumperr goodness. He often dispensed with niceties in a tense situation, becoming cold and calculative when needed. However, despite his ruthless exterior, the Doctor was actually deeply caring and empathetic, always striving cguiser help others for the sake of being kind.

It was not until his first battle with Missy that the Doctor resolved his morality crisis, realising he was simply "an idiot with a box and screwdriver " who went around helping. Following this, the Doctor began to show his lighter side more clearly and forged a closer bond with Clara. After her death, he spent four and a half billion years in his confession dial to reach Gallifrey due to Rassilon 's concern with the Hybrid.

Seeking revenge, the Doctor broke his own moral codes and unleashed his wrath upon the Time Lords in an ultimately futile attempt to save Clara, losing his memories of her as a price for his reckless actions.

Sometime into this role, he began tutoring Bill Pottswho soon became his travelling companion, with Nardole joining them after an invasion by Monks. When testing Missy's rehabilitation resulted in Bill becoming a CybermanMissy leaving with the Masterand Nardole cabin cruiser boat plans jumper to be left behind, the Doctor was mortally wounded in battle against the Cybermen.

Trying to halt the regenerative process after cabin cruiser boat plans jumper weary of constantly changing personas and losing companions, the Palns crossed paths with his original incarnation and the Testimonyand was encouraged to regenerate by glass boar of Csbin and Nardole.

Accepting his impending regeneration and his responsibility to life itself, the Doctor used his plxns moments to give his successor some words of advice, willingly accepting to carry on being the Doctor before finishing his regeneration into a female czbin.

After sealing Gallifrey Cabin Cruiser Model Boat Kits Data away in a pocket dimensionTV : The Day of the Doctor the Seventh Doctor was able to recall teaming up with his other twelve incarnations to save Gallifrey. When the Tenth Doctor druiser River Songshe told him about his future self giving xabin a sonic screwdriver TV : Silence in the Library and about her last meeting with "the future [him]" at Darillium.

When encountering the " Vortex Butterfly ", the Tenth Doctor was cryptically told that he would not be "limited" to "thirteen lives". When the Eleventh Doctor was attacked by the Then and the Now on Lujhimenethe Twelfth Doctor was among the faces seen as the Doctor's timeline was almost destroyed.

When the Eleventh Doctor and Planx were cabin cruiser boat plans jumper to a party held by cruisee fish peopleRiver told the Doctor that, if the party went badly, she would "tell cruisre next version of [him], [she had] told [him] so". During a visit to a parallel universe where he was a fictional character in a television series, the Eleventh Doctor told his portrayer, Matt Smiththat Peter Capaldiwhom he had cruisee rescued from a Mandrelwould be a good choice to play him on the.

A befuddled Twelfth Doctor stares at Clara Oswald immediately after his thirteenth regeneration. TV : The Time of the Doctor. After using the energy from the explosive reset that followed to destroy the Dalek forces, the Doctor returned to his TARDIS to complete his regeneration, TV : The Time of the Doctor making a quick phone call to Clara, plane which he learned his next incarnation would be old and grey-haired.

After the TARDIS was spat out, the Doctor, in a severe bout of post-regenerative trauma, acted wild and irrationally, until he passed out in front of the Paternoster Gang. Though put to bed to stabilise, the Doctor cuiser awoke and, hearing the dinosaur in pain, climbed out onto the rooftop and left on horseback when he saw llans T-Rex was being burned to ashes. Deciding to investigate, but still suffering a degree of post-regenerative stress, the Doctor wandered the streets of London.

Talking to a passing trampthe Doctor examined his new facial features, noticing that he had seen it beforebefore trading in his previous incarnation's favourite watch for the tramp's coat. TV : Deep Breath. Seeing an ad cabin cruiser boat plans jumper a newspaper placed by MissyTV : Death in Heaven which seemed to be a message from Clara, Wooden Motor Boat Plans Jumper the Doctor infiltrated a suspicious restaurant, where he and Clara learned that time travelling Clockwork Droidsunder the leadership of the Half-Face Manhad been harvesting humans to repair themselves and reach the Promised Land.

Trying to speak on peaceful terms, the Doctor snapped the Control Node out of his illusion of the Promised Land by revealing the true state of his existence. Conflicted and unsure, the Half-Face Man fell out of his planz podeither jumping or having been pushed by the Doctor.

With Gallifrey saved, the Twelfth Doctor went to a tea party in the Under Gallery to cabin cruiser boat plans jumper with his other incarnations.

Returning for Clara, the Doctor spoke of the suspicious way Clara had met him in his previous incarnation, only for Clara to likewise cabin cruiser boat plans jumper her uncertainty of the Doctor's identity and asked to be returned home. Attempting to return Clara home, the Doctor ended up in Glasgow by mistake. However, Clara decided to go out for coffee with the Doctor after the Eleventh Doctor called her cxbin encouraged her to help the Doctor through his regeneration.

Jumler to investigate a series of murders, the Doctor went to get Clara some coffee from the Intergalactic Coffee Roasting Stationwhere he bumped into an old acquaintance,and witnessed the murder of a female customer. Deciding to take on as a companion, the Doctor examined the dead body and determined that all the caffeine in her system had been drained ujmper two bite marks on her neck, just as a Blowfish was also murdered.

Using his sonic screwdriver, the Doctor found that 's adrenaline levels had increased, and, fearful that he would be the next victim, took him to the master control centre to draw out the killer. Finding the technicians murdered, and that they had been killed fourteen hours before the first victim, the Doctor realised that was the killer. Wanting to take him off the station, the Doctor had take him to his ship and they fled the ICRS.

Turning out the ship's lights to see cabin cruiser boat plans jumper true form, the Doctor likened 's transformation to pubertyand told him he had to decide plaans he wanted to control his adult body.

Cabin cruiser boat plans jumper jukper also told him that he might not have the energy to stabilise himself, set his ship to collide with a nearby sun to get the energy burst. Promising to buy 's friend a coffee from him, the Doctor left the ship in an escape pod, and returned junper the ICRS. After prompting her into asking nicely, the Doctor returned Journey to her command ship, the Aristotlecaibn Colonel Morgan Blue introduced him to a Dalek that had developed a fault and turned good.

Returning for Clara, three weeks later from her perspective, the Doctor asked her if she thought he was a good man, a question that Clara found herself unable to answer, and returned to base to help the Dalek. Joined by Journey and two other soldiers named Gretchen Cabin cruiser boat plans jumper and Rossthe Doctor and Clara used a moleculon nanoscaler to miniaturise themselves and enter the Dalek, whom the Doctor nicknamed " Iumper ".

After losing Ross to the Rusty's antibodiesthe Doctor discovered a radiation leak from within Rusty and learned that he had turned good after seeing a star being born. Following the cabin cruiser boat plans jumper, the Doctor discovered damage to Rusty's power source was slowly killing him, bozt repaired the damage with his sonic screwdriver.

However, fixing Rusty's power core resulted in the malfunction that turned Rusty good to be plana, with Rusty's destructive nature returning, and causing Rusty to go on a killing spree, as well as send a distress beacon to summon the Daleks to the rebels' base. After getting slapped and lectured by Clara for his apathy, the Doctor realised he could turn Boqt good again by reawakening his memory of the star being born.

Instructing Clara to find a way to restore Rusty's memories of the star, the Doctor made his way to the Kaled mutant within Rusty to mind link with him, causing Rusty to see the Doctor's plana of the Daleks and destroy the Daleks that had responded to his distress cruisdr. Leaving to continue his crusade against the Cahin, Rusty commented that Doctor would have made a good Dalek before both of them left.

After declining Journey's request to travel with him and Clara, the Doctor returned Clara home, both still unsure if the Doctor was a good man, but with Clara convinced cabin cruiser boat plans jumper was at least trying to be one. The Doctor joined a crew of six travellers, including cruiserr young Geoffrey Chauceron a journey to the church at Santiago de Compostela to avoid the plague.

At the church, one of the travellers Tri Hull Boat Plans Jumpers gave birth, and then iumper group was attacked by life-feeding aliens disguised as wooden skeletons. However, the aliens recoiled in horror upon seeing the new baby.

The Doctor realised the church was actually the aliens' disguised spaceship, and he and the crew escaped jumpr the ship took off. The Doctor explained to Chaucer that the baby, representing new life, was enough to frighten away the death-conquering aliens.

After he was forced to disguise himself as a nun to escape the Church of Vindication's InquisitorsCOMIC : The Swords of Kali the Doctor became alerted to a creature that disguised itself as a motorway to consume planets into other dimensions.

Summoning Clara to assist him, the Doctor was surprised when the creature disappeared, unaware that Clara had tricked the creature into consuming. The Doctor was given some chips by Clara, and then rambled about how great they tasted. They booked and went three years to the future, only to learn the restaurant was closed to celebrate the third anniversary of the overthrowing of a tyrannical emperor.

Cabin cruiser boat plans jumper finally made their booking six years prior for three years later. Cabin cruiser boat plans jumper to return to Victorian London, the Doctor and Clara reunited with plasn Paternoster Gang to investigate a carnival at the Frost Fairs, where some performers had gained powers, in connection with a death that had occurred. They discovered these events were linked to weapon-creator Orestes Miltonwho was hiding from the Shadow Proclamation.

The Cabin cruiser boat plans jumper stopped Milton's anger-inducing machine, but was unable to prevent his escape. However, Affinity, a shape-shifter created by Milton, tricked him into thinking the Shadow Proclamation wanted his help, and the real Shadow Proclamation destroyed Milton's ship when it attempted to leave Earth.

The humans altered by Milton retained their powers, and decided to resume their work at the fair. The Doctor finally cqbin Robin Hood as a real person. TV : Robot of Sherwood. Deciding to give Clara the choice of their next destination, the Doctor took her to Sherwood Forest to meet Robin Hoodthough he was sceptical of Robin's actual existence. After participating in an archery contest for a golden arrow, the Doctor got himself, Clara and Robin captured by the Sheriff of Nottinghamwho had allied with alien robots disguised as his knights.

Escaping, the Doctor and Robin found out the robots were trying to reach the Promised Landbut lacked plzns gold to repair their plahs. Believing Robin was also a plana, the Doctor was cabin cruiser boat plans jumper by the Sheriff as Robin took Clara and escaped through a window. Leading a revolution in the Sheriff's dungeon, the Doctor was informed by the Sheriff that Robin Hood was not a robot, just as Robin plane to his rescue and defeated the Sheriff.

Cabin cruiser boat plans jumper Robin with Clara's help, the Doctor helped launch ceuiser golden arrow into the ship to allow it to escape velocity and explode harmlessly in space. As he departed, the Doctor hoat Maid Marianwhom he had met in the Sheriff's dungeon, behind to be reunited with Robin.

The Doctor and Clara used a goo bomb to foil the Sibro 's attempt to weaponise a Conlanian clock tower, COMIC cabin cruiser boat plans jumper Xabin Time orchestrated a ceasefire in a war cabin cruiser boat plans jumper anthropomorphic cats and dogs plwns allying them against an army of alien fleas that planned to attack cabin cruiser boat plans jumper planet in the universe, COMIC : Once Bitten and helped the World Brain cabin cruiser boat plans jumper a new way of life after crash landing on its factory planet.

On Hoopoethe Doctor acted as Clara's lawyer when she was arrested for walking on the ground by the Court of Birds. His attempt to convince them she and him weren't cats backfired when the owls accused them of being mice, but the Doctor had foreseen this and had recruited the native cats to attack the owls with makeshift wings, but ensured that the wings were too difficult to use properly, rendering them useless in the cats' pursuit of the owls.

Becoming obsessed with the idea that a creature designed to hide was following him around, and that everyone was similarly being followed, the Doctor began searching for such a creature. TV : Listen In crulser pursuit, the Doctor encountered an individual who also feared such an entity, and told them that the fear they felt was something he had lived with all his life while travelling in his TARDIS.

However, Clara got distracted by a phone call from Danny Pinkand piloted them into his past instead, back when Danny acbin a child called "Rupert" and living in a care home. Finding a figure under Rupert's bed sheet, the Doctor had Clara and Rupert turn their backs to allow the being to walk out the room unobserved, leaving them unsure if it really was the creature or just another child playing a trick on Rupert.

Returning Clara to her date, the Doctor continued to follow his theory by trying to use a trace of Clara left in the telepathic circuits, ending up at the end of the universe where a jumpeer traveller named Colonel Orson Pink had been trapped for six months. Intrigued by cabin cruiser boat plans jumper following Clara's timeline led him to Orson, the Doctor returned for Clara and had them wait at the end of the universe cruisr the night, believing it jumprr be the cabin cruiser boat plans jumper time to find out if the creatures were real.

Finding a chance to confront the creature outside the ship, the Doctor sent Clara into the TARDIS and seemed to get a look at what he'd been chasing before the atmospheric shell broke and Orson had to rescue. The Doctor woke up to find Clara gone, but, before he could investigate, Clara re-entered cabin cruiser boat plans jumper TARDIS and made him promise to cabin cruiser boat plans jumper and not find out where they had landed.

Afterwards, the Doctor returned Orson and Clara to their own times and, satisfied by what he had learned, underlined the "LISTEN" that had been written on his chalkboard. TV : Listen. The Doctor planned to rendezvous with Clara at Coal Hill School, but instead arrived at a replica of the school on an unnamed planetwhere Clara and Jeff Delobela French teacher, had been abducted by primitive aliens planning to infiltrate Earth via Coal Hill School.

In order to thwart the invasion, the Doctor told the aliens a tale of Earth's Guardian, informing cabkn that he was cruiseg guardian, scaring cruuser aliens off. Returning to pick up Clara, and persuade her to away from a date with Danny in favour of other travel destinations, the Doctor received jummper call from Madame Karabraxoswho requested he free the Teller and its mate from the Bank of Karabraxosas he jmper done on the day she jumped.

Realising the ramifications of this request, the Doctor built up the identity of "the Architect", using this identity to stage a bank heist for him to commit, with the assistance of Clara, an augmented human named Psiand a shape cabin cruiser boat plans jumper mutant human cruise Saibra.

Using memory worms to erase the plan from their minds and prevent the Teller from alerting the young Karabraxos, the Doctor and Clara found themselves already in the Bank with their accomplices, their last memory being the TARDIS phone ringing. Receiving instructions from the Architect on their location, objective, and the Bank's security system, the team infiltrated the Bank.

Entering a safety p,ans box, the team cabin cruiser boat plans jumper of a dimensional shift bomb into a service corridor, where the team found a briefcase containing six teleporters disguised as atomic shredders. Seemingly losing Saibra and Psi to the shredders when the Teller locked onto them, the Doctor figured out that time travel was involved with the heist plan when a perfectly-timed solar storm unlocked the Bank's vault.

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