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a routine is identical to mail sales to stores (above), A white picket vessel organisation of north texas : acquire to a palms-on white picket vessel membership. Yet we're all balancing the full image of actions as well as duties, it might be heavy to yank onto a seaside as well as lift.

Posted what? What are you talking about Robert. And it my site and I will censor what I like!!!!!! Go out and spend you money and work day and night for years to build you own site so you can all the free speech you wish. Nobody is stopping you. Nor does it get posted. Are you censoring all bit chute?

Threw political correctness they have changed the meaning of words to fit there own agenda. And what did you do Stan when Jim Sinclair was interviewed by Greg a few months back and said gold was going higher??? So he continues trolling you and everyone else. Pual: Stop with your gibberish.

I can wait for that day. It will happen just like Hundreds of thousands of contracts dumped all at once! How beautiful. The congregation of God will have produced an unlimited supply of spiritual silver in the temple:. False teacher. Greg you very graciously asked this to be done in the comment section of your Nomi Prins interview and I very graciously asked these brethren to continue this discussion in email but it appears Eddie has no intention of letting this go to email.

I know you are a very fair brother Greg and will allow me to put this to rest once and for all! This is Greg Hunter and I have deleted the rest of your comment. No, I said we would agree to disagree and you are not putting this to and end. It has ended now. Rob, I want it to stop.

And on top of that, you are wrong by the way. Genisis backs this up as well and Christ himself. We are agreeing to disagree. End of story. Shorting both gold and silver. Shorts will experience a life changing experience when the spike happens, no silver to be found anywhere. We are an island yet we are not immune to the controlling tyranny.

Democracy is gone. Oh yeah,house builders gave the Conservative Party,in power supposedly,millions of pounds to aid their election. So no corruption there then! Meanwhile us plebs are enjoying the kicking being meted out by the henchmen in power! Usually we see them as incidental findings on chest x-ray CXR. They can occur anywhere in sarcoidosis. Could a microchip trigger a sarcoidosis like condition?

I guess that we will find out soon enough. It is interesting that the mRNA vaccine is coming along with the microchip. There is no doubt that there is potential for disaster. I have heard Biblical commentators speak about the sores found in Revelation.

Perhaps this is an autoimmune reaction to the vaccine�mark of the beast. A horrible, painful sore appeared on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped the image. I was wrong on price but not on theory for years. I, like many here ,kept buying.

Not bad if you ask me. The banking industry is IMO basically immoral and borderline evil. These people will always steal from society. They own the politicians and craft the laws. Because they wrote the laws. This past week, I finally became concerned enough to buy a helmet and body armor. But if there comes a time when you need it.

BTW, an intense and large wildfire got going near here. A highway that I was intending to travel on closed a minute before I came to the roadblock. Hi William Hope all is well. I too would like night vision goggles but they are pretty pricey. Instead I bought a bushnel monocular. Better that then nothing I guess. If you can afford night vision and have access to it, get it now.

It is a tremendous advantage. The thugs, rioter, and looters will be out at night in particular. If you are backcountry, prepare your property.

You can get rolls of concertina wire cheap, tanglefoot wire, homemade obstacles�. Be ready spiritually. The most important thing on the checklist. Prayer, watch, take heed. And put on the armor of God. I saved all my manuals going back to I have stacks of SF manuals. All good. I was trained as a SF weapons man in , retrained as a commo man in 84, and then as a medic in Opinions on thermal optics v.

Night vision goggles NVG , even monocular, are still excellent. Also I will add Army FM There are older editions available for free. It is old school low tech but still gives the basics.

Simple non lethal boobytraps can be set up to detect movement, early warning, etc. We set up early warning detectors routinely for patrol bases, Simple fishing line linked to various devices. Since there is high probability of loss of GPS and comms, I recommend getting military grade topo maps now for your areas of operations.

They are cheap. Get a protractor and compass for the maps. Military maps can be used in the dark using a red lens flashlight. Under a poncho for security. Military survival blankets. These can be used in some situations to cover your thermal footprint. There are ghillie suits available that can mask your thermal footprint or you can make your own.

More info on the fire that I mentioned above. From the beginning I was pretty sure it was arson, because of the pattern of spot fires that I observed from a high vantage point. Sounds like war Will. We are at war, the Second Civil War.

All it would need is a 12 volt source, like a motorcycle battery. Craig gave 2 options of what will likely happen. And their orders will be to continue the game as is. They will do so. Hence, JP will follow their orders.

The end. These guys are as predictable as the sun rising every day. I agree. I was thinking exactly the same thing. Brilliant interview but Craig assumes the primary motive of JP Morgan is to make profits. But what if their primary task is to control the price of silver? If they are effectively a branch of government they will not care about making losses because they will always be bailed out. What is another word for Shyster? Or former attorney general, Eric, Obama holder over, Holder!

We were by no means sorry to see Holder go and to welcoming his replacement, another crook, Attorney General, Loretta on the tarmac Lynch.

This is not the representative government we fought the British empire for, risking lynching, is it, Loretta! Predictably, Mr. No such person had ever appeared in the Obama administration. But to get to the crux of the issue at hand without conjecture�.. JP Morgan is leading the race to unwind their Gearing. They are in trouble. Bank failures are only just a matter of time�as is the next systemic Banking crisis. Joe, I agree, but will continue to stack to preserve my wealth.

Welcome to the Soviet Union! You know I think you might be right. He is just playing a part. My vote is lead over silver and gold, because you will have neither without it. Get ready folks. The propaganda media is ramping up its agenda for the second wave.

And� so are the disinformation bureaus who are peddling false hope. The only plan you can truly trust is the one that was laid down before the foundation of the world by Jesus Christ. Get your spiritual house in order. Do you see any connection between Event and Gavi? Speaking of disinformation. I thought Tom Hanks was arrested? Here he is cheerleading for testing and BLM. Or is it? Not sure what to make of Hanks.

He is part of the Hollywood cabal no doubt. He is controlled by the luciferians. According to paul jr, masks are wonderful. Who knew? If we wear masks we will never get sick, no more colds, no more flu, etc� paul�?

Why do you not stop lying. I never said that masks are wonderful. You are misrepresenting what I said. Wearing a mask at times does indeed reduce the of transmission to others. That is mainly why you wear one when needed. Musk to blanket earth with 5G satellites. EMP attack will take out the 5G systems.

The CCP may be pushed to a surprise attack. Sun Tzu. They follow the Sun Tzu military strategy. Until nothing is left? If they wait until the second wave hits, it will be to late. As I said before, the second wave will lead us to martial law. And then what? We will be gone before the first seal is opened. We will be with the Lord Jesus Messiah when He opens the scrolls. Paul, Do you know what covid19 stands for? Try this one on. Eddiemd, I firmly believe in being prepared spiritually.

I give preparedness seminars all the time, and I believe that most of us may not survive what is coming. If it requires my blood to seal my testimony of Jesus Christ. So be it. I hope all is well. I put a presentation together last year to teach on preparedness but then put it on the back burner for a few reasons. I think that has changed since Covid. Any suggestions? Trump along with vitamins, gold, and freeze dried food.

I understand the misplaced trust. I bought into the rhetoric too, but back in , I began bringing up Donald J. I have an update from my friend in the army the full bird colonel.

I pressed him some more and he said �. This way they can establish their own forts and communities and training grounds to launch attacks as well as build an internal army. My friend considers this a huge concern. He knows they are training people to be snipers and higher level soldiers�. This was said over dinner and drinks- he told me he was concerned about the future of the republic and is concerned about its survival�. Historically you can look to where the native americans were able to survive.

Very limited in Arizona. The water dynamics were changed by the dams and man made lakes. The Hohokam peoples actually lived in the desert for many decades until droughts moved them along.

The Apache were nomads. Special Forces teams can be split into two 6 man elements and deployed to take out Antifa. They will have the advantage in the dark and can use snipers and laser targeting to pinpoint attacks by drones. They have had almost 20 years of practice over in Iraq, Syria, and the Stan. They also have the ability to monitor the comms, shut them down as needed. WD, It makes perfect sense.

Who would ever believe that being a police officer would put a target on your back? I live 45 minutes away from Fort Leonard Wood, and many of my neighbors are retired military. Should Antifa decide to bring the civil war here, they will die. Most of these guys have done multiple tours, and just want to be left alone. A lot of people in the country own multiple firearms. Lots of them hunt. Attempting to seize a rural community would be a really bad idea. Instantly they are surrounded by a countryside filled with snipers.

It may not close above the ceiling, but it just hit. Thanks for all you do. This was an excellent overview of the internal workings of the fake market which the banks have been perpetrating upon the public. Their comeuppins have arrived as well as coming prosecutions, I hope.

Naturally, Craig wants to be conservative in his predictions, however when the final battles with the deep state begin, the coming court martials and criminal trials, the last gasp of the value of the dollar, the end of the world currency, and a restart of the monetary system to the manner which is demanded in the constitution, one of precious metals both gold and silver.

The rise in silver prices daily will be measured in dollars, not cents. The ultimate high that silver may achieve will stagger even the most advanced market minds, but there may be too much turmoil to spend it. Time to bum rush the physical window and crush the paper scam that is on the cusp of imploding.

The party is just about to start. Hi Greg, another great interview. I started stacking in My had choked to the tune of , dollars again just like I learned about money and came away with 2 main conclusions. I have bought both on the way up and when it was falling.

Guys like Craig Hemke and Bill Holter and many more have given myself and many others the courage not to panic just keep stacking. Keep up the good work.

Greg: some 10 years back when I started my research on Good Nuff Boats Group PMs I discovered the USGS site which predicted that the planet would run out of easily mined silver within a few decades. Well, we are half way there. Further, many eminent geologists have commented that the peak production of silver and gold have already passed. Whereas there are many actual and rumored multi million ounce gold holdings around the world, the same is not true of silver.

While the total of historical gold production still exists for use in commerce, the uses for silver for industrial purposes rarely leads to reclamation, certainly not in electronics and definitely not in military weapons.

You should note that all the Mideast wars have used up many hundreds of billion silver ounces. Further, there are no known stockpiles of a billion ounces of silver to replace those lost. My point is that in the near future the GSR of could reverse or at least go to less than l. We can live a normal existence without gold, but we would be hard pressed to live without silver.

Stack it up folks. Hemke explains the silver market. He really knows what he is talking about. Smart guy. By this time next year, those still around will be in total survival mode. All this nonsensical discussion taking place like this is not what you need to be hearing.

Are you happy with your choice to live in the Philippines Self Exiled? The weather would have to be pretty good. What about beaches? Food etc.? Rachel; Thank You for asking. I will prepare an answer to your questions for a future post. Crazy day ahead. Mike M.. You make it sound so simple, but� The way things are now, you can check out, but you can never leave. Other countries are not exactly spreading a welcome mat either. You might want to check some of the countries where there has been little or no covid cases or deaths.

This virus was specifically made and then targeted at certain countries with the US at the top of the list. I suspect an engineered variant of hantavirus. Perhaps machupo or mayaro. There are others. These three I know well here in the Americas. Africa, Asia, and Europe have their own pathogens that can used. Last week we mentioned the plague. In Mongolia now but soon to reappear in the USA big cities.

King Rat. Big cities are full of them. That has not changed. Mike M. Not trying to be funny, just stating the facts. Why not? Donald Trump suffered emotional abuse at the hands of his father, according to a hoped for bombshell book. Written by his not so nice niece! To whom? Who fears him the most. The Chinese? Joe Biden, the best friend of the Chinese? I think you get the picture. Do you see a pattern here? Apparent Hillary Clinton fan, and has written a scathing tell-all about her uncle, a business insider, not politician.

To influence American politics and you and me, the sheeple. But if Donald Trump wins again in November, these people will fear him much more! Because you will soon have more to fear than your uncle, but also the ire of a free and honest people, we the not so sheeple, American people! If not the communist Amerikan sheeple will! Red Alert! Trump Is Now Our Robin. Esme, So this idiot Mary Trump feels good about trashing a victim???

Sick Democrap. So, the daughter is relating to the aggressor and not to the victim? I wonder what was done to her by the aggressor? We shall see. Correction: niece not daughter. As I have stated here before the father did slam Donald into a military school because of control issues.

Donald appeared to do well there and excelled. Who had the control issue; at this juncture? Ephesians 7 In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace 8 which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, 9 having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth�in Him.

In Him, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Almighty God in the flesh. Sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. He is our guarantee of our inheritance. A detonation or three along the west coast and east coast of the USA. A surprise attack. My girlfriend, her mother and I were driving along to pick up a pizza, when all the lights in downtown Mt. My exact words were. Is this world war three? Apparently nobody was told about the surprise attack, to be able to pull off the surprise attack of the communist Chinese.

Local Asians were hired for the soldiers and the rest from Hollywood and Australia. So here we were, once again allies! The war moved on to encompass Detroit and most of southeastern Michigan. It was tied up in the courts for a few years because everybody refused to display it. The U. Citizens are held as prisoners while their town is under enemy occupation. Determined to fight back, a group of young patriots hide in the woods, reorganizing themselves into a guerilla group of fighters.

Taking inspiration from their high school mascot, they call themselves the Wolverines, banding together to take back their freedom. EMP occur with solar storms also. There have been documented incidences of EMP phenomena with high energy storms.

The northern lights are similar to the EMP phenomena. I was up in Fairbanks Alaska in January during a winter warfare exercise Brimfrost and saw the northern lights.

It was pretty cool. I was a radio operator in 10thSFGA sent there to advise them. An Arizona kid advising the Eskimo scouts in sub zero temps. What a joke that was. I was freezing all day and shivering all night. Pain is weakness leaving the body. Craig thank you for your time and efforts today you have new subscriber in me. God bless and take care.

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admin, 18.04.2021

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