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A total of only 14 classes are enough to have the details fo every chapter of CBSE class 10th syllabus. Class 10th Economics- video tutorial in Hindi Course description Economics is the basis of the development of any country. It helps us to know the financial condition and growth of a country. A proper understanding of the subject is very important.

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Students need to register their names by paying minimal fees for the course. Total of 49 classes we provide. National economical development, case studies, rising, challenges, and the impact of globalisations all such chapters are included in this course. Our experienced teaching faculty provide all sorts of learning help to score better in exams for higher studies. Students will learn all the required tricks of answers to perform well.

Teachers discuss previous year question papers to give a clear idea about the appropriate answers. Simple but effective study materials, all types of short and long questions, suggestions for upcoming exams all such things students will learn properly. Class 10th Civics- video tutorials in Hindi Course Description Civics is a very important subject in class 10th. The value of the subject is in long run. It helps to learn about the internal condition and rules of a country.

Dear Sir has introduced a set of online classes to teach students about the subject in detail. Our language of teaching is Hindi so that students from any part of the country can understand and learn our teaching. The process of joining is very simple. Students need to register their names with a minimal charge and can easily get all the updates of the classes including study materials and live classes as well.

Students who are interested in joining online classes can contact us on our official site. We are always active to provide a possible response to our students. We have a bunch of successful students who have already joined us and scored good marks in board exams. Course includes Our course includes the entire class 10th CBSE syllabus with proper study materials where students can get all types of short MCQ and long questions.

The high-quality videos help students to understand every chapter in detail with the required information. Regular monitoring with mock tests, previous year board questions discussions, and valuable suggestions are the strong pillars of our teaching process. Our teachers require a total of 79 classes to cover the full syllabus including revision, special discussion classes on specific topics.

Democracy, history, and movements of political parties, economical growth, challenges everything explained in detail to help the students understand and learn easily. Teachers also share researches and diagrams in support of given information.

Class 10th History- video tutorials in Hindi Course Description Online tutorials are very famous now. Students just need to log in or register their names with a very minimal charge and then can get the best teaching faculty to be exam ready. Dear Sir is one of the best online learning sites in India. We have arranged a set of online classes for most of the difficult scoring subjects including maths, physics, chemistry, Geography, and History. We all know that History is a vase subject.

It requires a good set of notes to score good marks in board exams. The CBSE syllabus is accepted all over India, so students fr4om any zone easily avails of our services. Simple language explanations, detailed discussions, and expert suggestions help students to pass exams with flying colors. Course includes A total of classes covers the entire syllabus in detail.

Indian and foreign history both are to be taught here. A set of good study materials, researches and proves tries to learn difficultly questions; all types of issues are being solved over the years by our respected teachers.

Our efficient teachers are there to help all types of good and mediocre students. Their excellent style of teaching makes the subjects interesting. They try their best to prepare students for exams. They have years of experience in teaching, so they are very known to the pattern of questions and appropriate answers. Class 10th Geography- Video tutorials in Hindi Course Description Online tutorial classes in Hindi is a fantastic idea to help students to understand individual subjects clearly.

Simple language, additional study materials, and wonderful teaching processes are the key factors of these classes. Geography is the subject of practical and theory classes. Dear Sir, one of the most popular online learning sites has arranged a set of online classes in Hindi for all over pan India.

Reasonable session charge and excellently appropriate learning method is been used over the years. We have got remarkable feedback for arranging these Hindi tutorial online classes.

Students need to register their names for availing of the classes. Total classes we provide including practical and theory classes.

Students get all sorts of help regarding the subjects of our respected teachers. Question-answers, high-quality videos and audio clips, discussion sessions, and a set of mock tests help students to get properly prepared for exams. We have chosen the language Hindi to help all types of students to understand each chapter, each part very clearly. Students need to register their names for availing of the course.

This is the safest and easiest process to get the best online lesson. A total of classes for geography is provided to explain all the chapters in detail. Physical and Economical Indian geography along with diagrams, toposheet, and other required practical documents are also provided. Teachers also help in mapping and other practical drawings. Keywords:CBSE Class 10 Geography course, Geography class 10th course, Geography class 10 course, Geography Free course, geography class 10 notes, ncert geography class 10, geography class 10 ncert solutions Here we'll teach you how to solve mathematical problems in simple and easy methods.

There are many institutions that teach you mathematics but we focus on making mathematics easier for you.

For this, we'll explain several concepts with real-life understandings and will teach you how you can sort them out using mathematical formulas. We make mathematics more interesting and show you the bright sides of this wonderful subject. Our primary focus is to make you understand and like the maths concepts.

We don't put so much emphasis on the examination point-of-view teaching. And that is where we differ from the other training personnel. The course includes This course includes the following. Power-packed interactive video lessons 2. Ebooks on mathematics 3. Premium high-quality notes 4.

Study Materials 5. Notes of famous lecturers with detailed explanations 6. Minute detailing of each and every mathematical concept 7. Unlimited worksheets to practice 8.

Previous year's board examination question papers 9. Important problems with stepwise solutions What will you learn? How to solve a mathematical problem in the easiest methods ever. Deep understanding of the 10th standard mathematical concepts. Easy tricks to remember mathematical formulas.

Keywords: class 10 maths, Class 10th maths, Class 10 maths course, class 10th maths course, CBSE Class 10 Maths course, Maths class 10th course, Math class 10th course, Maths class 10 course, Maths Free course, solutions for class 10 maths ncert, solutions of maths ncert class 10, cbse class 10 math Class 1st Maths in Hindi Dear Sir usually provide online classes for class Kids are so impatient and love to watch videos.

So we have arranged an interesting set of classes to teach them maths with fun. Calculations are a very simple yet complicated matter. We know that kids need extra attention to understand something. Our teaching faculty have tried their simplest way to make it simple for kids. All sorts of interesting methods of teaching, study materials, worksheets, terminal tests help kids to learn with fun. Our online classes course is so affordable that we can reach as many kids as possible.

Course Includes Our course has included all the basic essential chapters. We understand child psychology, so according to that we teach slowly in detail and give time to the children to practice for perfection.

We provide simple language Hindi high-quality videos, picture-based sums, worksheets, to give clear ideas and help to teach them every factor properly. They will learn all the basic standard 1 lessons in classes including finding out differences, counting, and spellings of numbers, sequencing, place value of numbers, algorithm, simple addition with pictures, and many more.

Repetition of chapters, the slow teaching process helps all types of children in learning very well. Keyword:class 1th maths, 1th class maths book, class 1th maths ncert solutions, maths for kids, math in hindi, maths in hindi, 1st grade math, math 1st grade, math course free, math for kids pdf, math for kids free, math games, maths questions for 7 year olds, math for kids games, maths for kids free, maths games, maths questions for 8 year olds, math games for grade 1, math games for kids, math free courses, math in hindi, mathematics for kids, mathematics games for kids, mathematics 1st grade, 1st grade math,1st grade math worksheets, class 1 maths, class 1 maths chapter 1, class 1 maths worksheets Agar nahi hai to koi baat nahi.

Yaha is course me hum aapko sikhayenge ki mathematics concepts ko sikhna koi bari baat nahi hai. Yaha pe aapko bohot easy tarike se mathematics sikhaya jayega ta ki aage chal ke aapko koi bhi pareshaani na aye.

We will teach you all the basics as well as advanced concepts in mathematics in the easiest ways and explain to you the tricks to remember any mathematical concept very easily. This online mathematics tutorial is full of attractive features to draw your attention and make you gain interest in mathematics at this early age. Course includes This online mathematics course includes the following features.

Class 7th Maths Welcome to the world of Mathematics where I'll show you how you can do wonders with this beautiful subject. There are so many tricks you can use in Maths that are unknown to many students. I'll teach you through this online course how you can remember long formulas very easily and then apply them in the examinations.

The methods that I'll explain can be applied in your exams and you can score well. The Course Includes The online math training will include the following. Online mathematics lessons 2. Video lessons 3.

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