Argie 15 construction journal

Building a nesting dinghy journal Eleven Nesting Dinghy home page. What features make this boat special? The ability to assemble building a nesting dinghy journal disassemble the boat in seconds, in the water or out of the water. The unmatched strength of the assembled boat, a challenge in nesting dinghy design. Building a nesting dinghy journal rowing performance of our boats is quite amazing.

One was used in a 70 mile endurance race last year, finishing in the top third of a boat fleet in under 20 hours, surprising for an 11 foot dinghy. An outboard motor is quite unnecessary when using the boat as a tender. The sailing performance is very good. The stock foils machined daggerboard building a nesting dinghy journal kick-up rudder help the boat sail upwind like a 12 meter.

The rig is the lightest and easiest to use dinghy rig on the market. Two rowing stations and multiple foot brace positions allow keeping level trim with multiple passengers nestint allow rowers of different heights. These qualities are combined with many other well-thought-out features, some that make construction nestjng and many that make the boat easier to use, lighter, and more efficient.

What do we not like about the PT 11? While we have not over-engineered nesring boat and we continually work on making the build simpler, a really good nesting dinghy, especially one that could last forever, requires complexity. Much of that dingny is on our end. The fact that we have sold so many kits for the PT 11 with almost no advertising says a lot. Builders of the 11 see the value of the kit, the manual, and the finished product.

Is the PT 11 for you? Are you building a nesting dinghy journal for the PT11? What are our high standards about? See below If you are attracted to the boat and it fits your needs, then maybe. Probably, if the next sentences work for you. Building a boat can be a very satisfying and rewarding jesting an experience that is increasingly missing in modern times.

We ask a lot of our builders, but they get a lot in return. They get the experience, a new set of skills, and in the end, they get a very versatile boat. Because we have very high standards for what we want in a boat, we start with the best materials:. We hand pick through units of high grade Okoume plywood to find the best looking and flattest panels of five different thicknesses of plywood.

Most of the plywood parts are CNC nestinh, but many of them are post-machined to bevel and round edges where appropriate. The lumber parts kit foredeck stringers, glue cleats and reinforcements are machined from high-grade Sitka Spruce.

The foot braces, oarlock riser blocks, and back seat cleats are machined to a ready-to-finish level from Sapele mahogany. We supply the best glass cloth of 3 different weights to protect and reinforce, while keeping the boat as light as possible. For the weight and performance offered by these foils, they are relatively very affordable and not difficult to finish.

The machined stainless connective hardware is machined by Paul Zeusche, an expert local machinist and boat builder. This hardware constitutes a large part of building a nesting dinghy journal value of the kit and is continually fine-tuned.

We are extremely lucky to have some very smart friends. The masts and booms are made in state by Building a nesting dinghy journal, a maker of the highest quality carbon fiber tubes on the planet.

The two-part mast and boom almost 23 lineal feet of tapered custom carbon tubes weigh just 6. Many other parts and pieces are produced in our shop or locally. Besides the plywood, which is made in France, just about everything in one of our kits is made in the US. The most valuable single piece of the kit is the building manual.

We are now completing our 8th PT 11, built to improve the manual and fine-tune the kits as were the other 7. We do this so that our builders can get the most value, pleasure, and longevity from their boats. We have also been working on a video series with Off Center Harborshowing the more technical parts of building a PT We hope builder will follow the blog for important building a nesting dinghy journal. This explanation begins on the Welcome page.

Our focus is on creating boats that answer the needs of serious cruisers, weekend camp cruisers and environmentally conscious boaters, sail and jornal. Featuring: the fuel efficient Try the compass. Because we have very high standards for what we want in a boat, we start with the best materials: We hand djnghy through units of high grade Okoume plywood to find the best looking and flattest panels of five different thicknesses of plywood.


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Slowly flow a creosote to one side a fabric, do something extraordinary. horns. There have been the series of stitch-and-glue electrical vessel skeleton in a couple beneath.

These dead trees stand defoliated and decaying for many years, resulting in a less sheltered nest site that will ultimately disappear. Therefore, conservation goals are in conflict Dickie et al. Such invasive plant removal is an area of conflict in many urban systems, particularly where they provide habitat or food for wildlife and where they affect animal taxa of high charismatic value such as birds and butterflies Dickie et al.

Further examples include the removal of invasive tamarisk Tamarix spp. Direct conflicts can emerge between birds and humans, with one of the best-known examples being Australian Brushturkeys Alectura lathami that construct massive incubation mounds from up to 4 tonnes of leaf litter, causing a clear conflict with garden owners, although many people welcome the species Jones and Everding Australian Magpies Gymnorhina tibicen are an urban nesting species that exhibits extraordinary levels of aggression as they defend nest sites, attacking human intruders and causing injuries Jones Another example is provided by parakeets Psittacula spp.

Rose-ringed Parakeets Psittacula krameri are secondary cavity-nesters and compete with native species Strubbe and Matthysen , The bulky communal nests of Monk Parakeets Myiopsitta monachus are known to cause damage to human infrastructure Avery and Shiels Public stakeholders in an urban landscape have a strong influence on the management of dangerous large animals such as carnivores Treves et al.

They have occasionally been reported to prey upon livestock and pets Boshoff ; Boshoff et al. Crowned Eagles build huge nests that occasionally collapse, and artificial nest platforms have been used to replace such collapsed nest structures Hoffman and Hoffman The placement of such artificial platforms becomes critically important in reducing conflicts between urban birds and their attacks directed at companion animals of urban residents.

While humans act as filters for avifauna within our cities through provisioning of food or nest sites, the ethics of such human behaviour have not been questioned in depth. Of course, interventions such as the provision of artificial nest sites e. Public engagement increases awareness that is known to be a powerful tool in nature conservation Devictor et al.

There are many areas of research of urban nesting biology that deserve further attention, as we outline below. However, discussions about urban breeding birds are often dominated by the concept of the ecological trap. Therefore, we start this section by making some pertinent comments about future research concentrating on this concept. Maladaptive habitat occupation decision-making implies a preference for low-quality habitats over high-quality options, which can occur in heavily transformed habitats such as urban environments e.

Demeyrier et al. Such maladaptive behaviour causes species to fall into so-called ecological traps reviewed in Kokko and Sutherland ; Schlaepfer et al. It is important to distinguish between an ecological trap and a habitat sink see Kristan In regard to nest sites, there are four research areas that deserve attention.

First, whilst there is Building A Nesting Dinghy 890 good evidence that many bird species use native and non-native trees and shrubs, as well as a variety of anthropogenic structures as nest sites, we do not actually know whether such nest sites or nesting materials are in limited supply for birds in urban areas.

Determining whether nest sites or nesting materials are limiting, especially for those species that predominantly avoid urban areas but that we may wish to target for conservation in urban areas, is important because, if limiting, future research might examine ways to improve urban nesting conditions in urban environments for such species, thereby promoting urban biodiversity conservation.

Competition for nest sites and the effectiveness of measures to restore breeding habitat should thus be experimentally assessed before setting up any management measures for every target species. Currently, we are unsure whether the provisioning of artificial nest sites such as nestboxes or nest platforms reflects availability of natural nest substrates in the same urban habitats.

Whereas the latter are permanent as long as they remain accessible to birds features of the urban landscape, artificial nest sites have to be maintained, the timing of which needs to be carefully orchestrated to minimise disturbance to urban birds. Therefore, studies that examine the population status of urban bird communities before and after nest sites have been either experimentally or inadvertently provided or removed would enable us to examine whether availability of nest sites is limiting.

This should be extended to broaden geographical coverage in answering such a fundamental question about nest site availability, because the abundance of cavity-nesting bird species increased in North America Chace and Walsh but decreased in Australia Luck and Smallbone with increasing levels of urbanisation.

Patterns of nest site limitation may well vary between species with, for example, the provision of nestboxes with small entrance holes overwhelmingly promoting occupation by parids but deterring heavier and bigger species such as Western Jackdaws Corvus monedula from nesting. Secondly, urban areas are considered to contain fragmented habitats because suitable nesting areas are usually separated by intensive land use such as transport infrastructure or buildings Marzluff and Ewing Moreover, habitat fragmentation may reduce the breeding success of at least some species.

Marzluff and Ewing found that nest predators such as mammals, corvids and raptors thrive in urban areas where nests of native bird species are exposed to increased predation risk by virtue of being nearer to fragmented habitat edges where such predators patrol.

Habitat fragmentation may also increase the time and energy needed to search for suitable nesting materials, and so further studies could usefully examine the nest-building behaviours of birds in urban versus non-urban areas. Thirdly, the overwhelming majority of research examining the use of nest sites in urban areas has focused on birds in large cities and conurbations , with far less research performed in smaller towns and cities.

Therefore, future research could usefully examine the availability and use of nest sites in smaller urban centres, where temporal and energetic investment in searching for natural foods or nesting materials could be significantly reduced compared with birds breeding within dense urban matrices.

Such research will help to increase our understanding of the importance of the configuration and size of habitat types to urban-adapted bird species. Fourth, nestboxes and other artificial nest sites are widely provided for urban birds in North America and Europe, but we know very little about their value to birds.

There is good evidence that building cavities and nestboxes act as ecological traps for birds in urban areas Sumasgutner et al. Furthermore, nestbox provision by humans varies considerably by geographic region, and future research could examine the utilitarian value of provision of artificial nest sites in light of prevailing nesting conditions.

For example, birds in non-temperate areas such as arid areas may use bushes or ground holes more commonly than in temperate regions. Furthermore, in tropical areas, the diversity of nest sites could be so high that green spaces such as parks within cities should be managed differently from those in temperate zones so that, for example, many more shrubs should be planted and maintained in those green spaces.

Ultimately, future research in these areas will provide valuable insights into the influence of the native habitat on urban bird assemblages. With regard to nest design, future studies should prioritise the following areas.

From a methodological point of view, there are five important aspects that should be highlighted. While it is common to include man-made materials only e.

Secondly, urban nest studies seldom employ state-of-the-art technology that is commonplace in other strands of field ornithology. We argue that the use of miniaturised, high-resolution wireless cameras to film nest-building behaviour Ribic et al. Thirdly, we need information from more species, particularly those exhibiting different nesting traits e.

Biddle et al. While basic information about nest design in urban areas especially regarding nest structures, ornaments and attachments is desirable, if we want to understand how nest design varies with the urban landscape, we require landscape features e.

Finally, following on from the successes of citizen science nest projects run by agencies in the UK [i. We challenge other countries to engage with their citizen scientists to this end. From a conceptual point of view, there are also several important ideas to consider in future studies. First, we need to investigate further whether the urban-associated changes in nest design translate into fitness consequences for the avian builders, focusing on both benefits and costs to them.

This is crucial to understanding whether such changes are adaptive, facilitating urban colonisation. For example experimental studies that investigate whether there is a relationship between the use of anthropogenic nesting materials and fitness components such as breeding success or longevity would be very useful. Unfortunately, our current knowledge of nest components other than the lining layer is very scarce.

However, there is evidence to suggest that urbanisation affects more than just the nest lining. For instance, urban-associated changes in nest location for several species see above suggest that components responsible for attachment of the nest to its substrate may be labile in urban birds.

The outer decorative layer could also be affected Building A Nesting Dinghy Function by urbanisation due to the availability of certain materials in cities or changes in selective forces e. An interesting, yet unexplored, idea within this context is the potential role that structural changes in urban nests might have in attenuating some common problems in cities such as noise or light pollution. Thirdly, common urban anthropogenic materials such as plastic and string can be harder to break or isolate as nesting material compared with natural materials e.

Similarly, our understanding of the selection of anthropogenic nesting materials is scarce. For example, we know little about whether birds select them based on size, weight or other characteristics, and the sensory modalities they employ to do so.

Fourth, our understanding from a mechanistic standpoint lags behind other strands of knowledge. This mechanistic link is even less detailed regarding other functions, and should be a major objective of future studies.

Finally, beyond our focus on arthropods, we should investigate the relationship of urban birds with other nest-dwelling biota such as bacteria or fungi.

Relationships between microorganisms and many higher vertebrates including birds McFall-Ngai et al. Some studies have examined nesting materials and avian microbiota e. Overall, the research gaps outlined regarding urban nest sites and urban nest design have important implications for conservation. First, the use of nestboxes has much potential as a conservation tool, but only if we possess knowledge of the fitness consequences of breeding inside nestboxes as opposed to alternative nest sites.

This information is crucial for designing successful conservation plans for target species. The case of Common Kestrels Falco tinnunculus provides a good example of problems that arise from a lack of appropriate knowledge. Secondly, little is known about the availability of different nesting materials in the urban environment and the fitness consequences of using anthropogenic versus natural nesting materials see above.

However, the association between plants in cities and nest composition Lambrechts et al. This will include promoting ornamental plants that provide natural nesting materials, or the direct provisioning of natural nesting materials, if their shortage in cities represents a constraint for breeding birds.

Thirdly, bird nests might be useful indicators of environmental pollution Furness and Greenwood For example, a positive relationship has been observed between the amount of debris in the area surrounding White Stork Ciconia ciconia nests, and that constituting the structure of the nests themselves Jagiello et al.

However, such an index of environmental pollution would need to be restricted to those bioindicator species that use nesting material in proportion to its availability in the environment, as opposed to birds that were actively selecting specific materials. Urban avian conservation is an interdisciplinary field that requires several stakeholders to work together Norris and Pain ; Greenwood This will not be an easy task, but the close association between humans and birds in these anthropogenic habitats provides exciting opportunities for research and conservation.

We hope that this review shows that studying this overlooked aspect of avian biology can be very fruitful for expanding both our basic and applied ornithological knowledge. BioScience � Ibis � Article Google Scholar. Acta Ethol � Proc R Soc B Article PubMed Google Scholar. Google Scholar. Battin J When good animals love bad habitats: ecological traps and the conservation of animal populations.

Conserv Biol � Wilson J Ornithol � Avian Biol Res � Academic Press, London. Birkhead TR Foreword. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p vii. Wilson Bull � Borgia G Bower quality, number of decorations and mating success of male satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus : an experimental analysis. Anim Behav � Ecol Appl � Boshoff AF On hungry eagles and domestic pets. Birding South Africa S Afr J Wildl Res � Curr Biol R�R Landsc Urban Plan � Ciach M, Frohlich A Habitat preferences of the Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus in urban environments: an ambiguous effect of pollution.

Bird Study � Trends Ecol Evol � Jonathan Cape, London. Int Zoo Yearb � Colston TJ, Jackson CR Microbiome evolution along divergent branches of the vertebrate tree of life: what is known and unknown. Mol Ecol � Behav Ecol � Cooper CB Citizen science: how ordinary people are changing the face of discovery.

Gerald Duckworth and Co Ltd, London. Epidemiol Infect � Condor � Biol Cons � Emu � Biol Invasions � J Ornithol Suppl 2 :S�S Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp � Oxford University Press, Oxford. Divers Distrib � Dias PC Sources and sinks in population biology. Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca. J Ecol � Proc Roy Soc B Front Ecol Evol Evans KL Individual species and urbanisation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 53� Oikos � Glob Change Biol � Am Nat � Biodivers Conserv � Report for the Forest Products Commission.

Centre for Ecosystem Management Report no. Forman RTT Urban ecology�science of cities. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. S Afr J Sci � Biol Lett � Studies in avian biology no.

University of California Press, Berkeley, pp � Springer, Dordrecht. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Godefroid S, Ricotta C Alien plant species do have a clear preference for different land uses within urban environments. Urban Ecosyst � A case study on cavity-nesting by the introduced common myna Acridotheres tristis and the two Australian native parrots.

Environ Manage � Greenwood JJD Citizens, science and bird conservation. J Ornithol Suppl 1 :S77�S Science � J Avian Biol � J Ornithol � Hansell MH Bird nests and construction behaviour. Wildlife Res � Hatch JJ Threats to public health from gulls Laridae.

Int J Environ Health Res � Waterbirds � Hoffman B, Hoffman S Multifaceted rescue team save crowned eagle chick. Gabar � J Avian Biol e Biol Lett �9. Notornis � Isaksson C Urbanisation, oxidative stress and inflammation: a question of evolving, acclimatizing or coping with urban environmental stress. Funct Ecol � Environ Sci Pollut Res � Jerzak L Synurbanization of the magpie in the Palearctic. Springer, New York, pp � Science eaam Jones D Wildlife management in the extreme: managing magpies and mothers in a suburban environment.

Jones DN The birds at my table: why we feed wild birds and why it matters. J Biogeogr � Curr Biol � Urban For Urban Gree � Kokko H, Sutherland WJ Ecological traps in changing environments: ecological and evolutionary consequences of a behaviourally mediated Allee effect. Evol Ecol Res � Kristan WB III The role of habitat selection behavior in population dynamics: source-sink systems and ecological traps.

Hornero � University of California Press, Berkeley. Acta Ornithol � An examination using Northern Cardinals. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp 88� Luniak M Synurbization�adaptation of animal wildlife to urban development. May 1�5, , Tucson, pp 50� Mainwaring MC The use of man-made structures as nesting sites by birds: a review of the costs and benefits. J Nat Conserv � Ecol Evol � Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 50� J Raptor Res � Yale University Press, New Haven.

Marzluff JM A decadal review of urban ornithology and a prospectus for the future. Marzluff JM, Ewing K Restoration of fragmented landscapes for the conservation of birds: a general framework and specific recommendations for urbanizing landscapes.

Restor Ecol � Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. McKinney ML Urbanization as a major cause of biotic homogenization. McKinney ML Effects of urbanization on species richness: a review of plants and animals. Curr Zool � Munro CA Roof nesting oystercatchers. Bird Study Murcia C Edge effects in fragmented forests�Implications for conservation.

Murgui E, Hedblom M Ecology and conservation of birds in urban environments. Oke TR The energetic basis of the urban heat island. Q J Roy Meteor Soc � Oecologia � Can Field-Nat � Proc Roy Soc B � J Wildl Manage � In: Proceedings of a conference on raptor conservation techniques, Fort Collins, pp.

Anal Methods-UK � Trop Life Sci Res � Rao S, Koli VK Edge effect of busy high traffic roads on the nest site selection of birds inside the city area: guild response. Transp Res D Transp Environ � Reale JA, Blair RB Nesting success and life history attributes of bird communities along an urbanization gradient. Urban Habitats � Remacha C, Delgado JA Spatial nest-box selection of cavity-nesting bird species in response to proximity to recreational infrastructures.

Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 1�7. Front Ecol Environ � Ecology � Bird Conserv Int � Model Specifications Visual Comparison of the different models. Standard Construction In the standard layout, full-length cockpit seat tanks provide excellent buoyancy and minimal bailing after a capsize video as well as storage options for longer excursions with the addition of deck plate type screw hatches in the vertical cockpit sides.

In both versions the dagger board trunk is located just off center. This is a design feature of all our dinghies which allows the keel to be continuous and strong, prevents damage and grit from entering the trunk slot and simplifies construction.

Click here to view the non-nesting assembly guide , a new work in progress document that covers the general order of construction. The Nesting Option A nesting dinghy allows for a higher capacity tender with limited deck space however we encourage our builders to think seriously about what their needs are before committing to the nesting version.

Do you have a good reason like limited foredeck space for the nesting boat that outweighs the compromises? See more questions answered on the FAQ page. The biggest compromise is the lost permanent flotation in the nested version. More bailing will be require after a capsize and the free surface effect will make the nested version less stable after a capsize until the water is bailed out.

A suction bailer can be installed in a standard hull to empty the boat while underway but the nested version has 2 separate bilges and 2 bailers would be expensive and complicated. Click here to see our " Nesting Spindrift Assembly Guide " where you can read about the steps of building a nesting Spindrift.

This document accompanies the nesting plans. Construction Plans We print and ship detailed construction plans for each of our models. Plans include 11x17" pages of scale drawings, a materials list, epoxy guide and construction overview guide. We add more information daily to our documents and plans based on builder feedback! Plans include all construction details, sail plan, rigging plan and even some drawings such as the rudder blade and knee shapes printed at actual size.

Optional Full size Template We offer full size printed templates as an optional Add-on to the plans which come on 24" wide roll paper.

No measuring and marking required just cut out the parts with scissors and transfer the shapes to your scarfed plywood panels. We now offer an instant download option for the Spindrift Plans due to the high cost and time it takes to ship internationally.

See the individual models for all available plan options. We offer free shipping for Spindrift plans shipped within the US. For International shipping of printed plans see options at checkout. We take great pride in every kit we make and support every builder by phone and email.

To see what is available click on a specific model below and Read more about what is in the ki t here. We are constantly improving the kit from builder feedback and we want every builder to have a great experience building from our kit. Building each kit to order allows us to continually improve the kit and focus on quality.

How to Order You can place an order for your kit by navigating to the model you want and choosing your options. If you're not sure which options you want you can always secure a spot in our production list with the kit purchase and then contact us if you have any questions.

S-9 S S S Lead Time Kit delivery time is approximately 6 weeks from time of purchase. While this depends on our work load we typically have kits in production at any given time. We are a small firm and appreciate your patience. Sorry but we do not have any overseas partners cutting our kits at this time. We can box your kit up and send it directly to your door. Shipping quotes available upon request for your region. We do not currently have an automated system for calculating shipping.

Shipping weight is approximate. If you send us an message with your zip code we can provide a quote for the model you are interested in. You can also come visit our shop and pick up your kit at no additional cost. Prices The table below shows current pricing for the available models. It is common to purchase the CNC kit and Mast tubing to save on shipping the longer aluminum tubes and then order the rigging and hardware later in the build.

Sails are not always in stock but are typically available in about 6 weeks. It was intended as a sailing tender for a larger yacht. There were dinghies of every description; Trinkas, Connies, Dyers all were represented, as well as some less well known brands and a few Building A Nesting Dinghy Queen custom boats.

In a six-day series, with three races per day, the Spindrift dominated the event � winning 18 races. She went on as undefeated in 84 consecutive races over several series during the following year.

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admin, 12.05.2021

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