Then worry no. You have come to the right place. We have compiled the notes for physics to facilitate the students of SSC part I. These notes are written in easy words so that you don't face any problem in understanding them, as well as important questions, are also given.

You can easily download the notes in pdf as well as you can view online without downloading. If you face a problem in understanding the notes, you can make use of Youtube.

Supplementary aid through other platforms is always useful in scoring good grades. No shame in. Physics is class 10th ncert physics chapter 1 chemistr? easy if you see the animation in videos because our brain is a visual lover. For example, a certain experiment explained in the notes in the book is difficult but if you see a video on YouTube, you will understand the whole experiment with ease. In these notes, short questions, long questions, and numerical solutions are given so that you don't need to stop your head with your book.

Here are the chapters of 10th Class Physics that are present in the notes:. The first chapter in the book is about wave motion is the propagation of disturbances from one place class 10th ncert physics chapter 1 chemistr?. The important topics are:. Physics is stuffed with engaging and practical concepts. This chapter is interesting because it is all about the sound we hear all the time.

Now it is time to understand its origin. The important topics included in this unit are:. Electrostatics is the study of forces between charges, as described by Coulomb's Law. This branch of physics becomes more and more important in higher levels of study.

Current is a class 10th ncert physics chapter 1 chemistr? of electrical charge carriers, usually electrons or electron-deficient atoms. The chapter is included in the syllabus to encourage students to dig into the depths of perhaps the most important area of physics. The interaction of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields is electromagnetism. Another concept to make physics relatable to everyday life of the students.

Aamir Mursleen January 13, Edit this post. It might be the most complex chapter for you because this chapter is all about mirrors and lenses - and arrows. With these notes, it would become easy due to easy words. The important topics are: What a note on DC Motor? Explain the electromagnetic induction and also rotate Faraday's Law? What is AC Generator?

What is mutual induction? What are the types of the transformer? Do you know? Electromagnets are used in everything from ticket machines and telephones to loudspeakers. It's the branch of physics and technology concerned with the design of circuits using transistors and microchips, and with the behavior and movement of electrons in a class 10th ncert physics chapter 1 chemistr?, conductor, vacuum, or gas.

The important topics are: What is meant by doping? How n-type, p-type semiconductors are formed? Explain P-N junction? What is forward and reverse biased diode? This chapter is all about information and technology.

Nuclear physics is the field of physics that studies the constituents protons and neutrons and interactions of atomic nuclei. The important topics are: Write down the properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays. Memorize minimum 3 points of each What do you mean by half-life? What is Einstein's Mass Energy Equation? What is meant by fission chain reaction? How class 10th ncert physics chapter 1 chemistr? it be controlled? What is the fusion reaction?

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Question 13 What is the difference between displacement and double displacement reactions? Answer: In displacement reactions, a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its solution. In double displacement reactions, two reactants in solution exchange their ions. Question 14 In the refining of silver, the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involved displacement by copper metal.

Write down the reaction involved. Question 15 What do you mean by a precipitation reaction? Explain by giving examples. Answer: A reaction in which an insoluble solid called precipitate is formed that separates from the solution is called a precipitation reaction. Question 16 Explain the following in terms of gain or loss of oxygen with two examples each: a Oxidation and b Reduction.

Answer: a Oxidation : The addition of oxygen to a substance is called oxidation. The black coloured compound is copper oxide CuO. The reaction involved is. Question 18 Why do we apply paint on iron articles?

Answer: Paint does not allow iron articles to come in contact with air, water and saves iron articles from damage due to rusting. Question 19 Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen. Answer: To keep food items fresh and save from getting oxidised, food items are flushed with nitrogen. Question 20 Explain the following terms with one example each a Corrosion, b Rancidity.

Answer: a Corrosion : It is the process in which metals are eaten up gradually by the action of air, moisture or a chemical such as an acid on their surface. Example : When iron is exposed to moist air for a long period of time, its surface acquires a coating of a brown, flaky substance called rust.

Rancidity spoils the food materials prepared in fats and oils which have been kept for a considerable time and makes them unfit for eating. Rancidity can be prevented by adding anti-oxidants to foods containing Class 10th Physics Chapter 1 Ncert Solutions Facebook fats and oils. It can also be prevented by flushing fat and oil containing foods with nitrogen before sealing. Question 1 Which of the given statements about the reaction below are incorrect? Lead is getting reduced b. Carbon dioxide is getting oxidised c.

Carbon is getting oxidised d. Lead oxide is getting reduced i a and b ii a and c iii a , b and c iv all Solution: i a and b. Question 2 The above reaction is an example of a i.

Combination reaction ii. Double displacement reaction iii. Decomposition reaction iv. Displacement reaction Solution: iv Displacement reaction. Question 3 What happens when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron fillings? Tick the correct answer.

Hydrogen gas and iron chloride are produced b. Chlorine gas and iron hydroxide are produced c. No reaction takes place d Iron salt and water are produced Solution: Hydrogen gas and iron chloride are produced. Solution: An equation for a chemical reaction is an equation in which the number of atoms for each element in the reaction and the total charge is the same for both the reactants and the products.

In other words, the mass and the charge are balanced on both sides of the reaction. Hydrogen gas combines with nitrogen to form ammonia b. Hydrogen sulfide gas burns in air to give water and sulfur dioxide c. Barium chloride reacts with Aluminium sulfate to give Aluminium chloride and a precipitate of barium sulphate d. Potassium metal reacts with water to give a potassium hydroxide and hydrogen gas Solution: a.

Question 6 Balance the following chemical equations. Question 8 Write the balanced chemical equation for the following and identify the type of reaction of each case. Solution: a. Question 9 What is meant by exothermic and endothermic reactions?

Solution: An exothermic reaction is one that releases heat. If 1 mole of N 2 molecule reacts with 1 mole of O 2 molecule, the heat of KJ has to be supplied to initiate the reaction to give 1 mole of NO molecule.

This means that the bonds between N � N and O � O are so strong that they do not break easily. N 2 has triple covalent bond between the two N atoms. O 2 has a double covalent bond. Thus energy has to be put into the reaction to break the strong bonds.

Thus the above reaction is a good example of an endothermic reaction. Solution: During respiration, glucose combines with oxygen in the cells of our body to form carbon dioxide and water along with the production of energy. Write equations for decomposition reactions.

Solution: Essentially, decomposition reactions are the opposite of combination reactions. A compound decomposes i. Most decomposition reactions are endothermic. Another example of decomposition reaction is the heating of calcium carbonate sea shells, chalk :. Question 12 Write one equation each for decomposition reactions in which energy is supplied in the form of heat, light or electricity?

Solution: When calcium carbonate is heated, it decomposes to give calcium oxide and carbon dioxide:. Write relevant equations for the above? Solution: The difference between the displacement and double displacement reactions is that in a displacement reaction one element displaces another by virtue of it being more reactive whereas in a double displacement two anions and two cations switch places between two compounds respectively. Thus Zn displaces Cu in the salt form.

Zn is more reactive than Cu. Question 14 In the refining of silver, the recovery of silver from silver nitrate solution involves displacement by copper metal. Explain by giving examples: Solution: A precipitation reaction is a reaction in which soluble ions in separate solutions are mixed together to form an insoluble compound that settles out of solution as a solid.

This insoluble compound is called a precipitate. An example of a precipitation reaction Aqueous silver nitrate AgNO3 , when added to a solution containing potassium chloride KCl , precipitates a white solid, and silver chloride is observed. Solution: The shiny brown colored element X is copper metal Cu.

When copper metal is heated in air, it forms a black colored compound copper oxide. So, the black colored compound is the copper oxide or copper II oxide, CuO.

Question 17 Why do we apply paint on iron articles? Solution: Rust is a soft and porous substance, which gradually falls from the surface of an iron object, and then the iron below starts rusting.

Thus, rusting of iron or corrosion of iron is a continuous process which, if not prevented in time, eats up the whole iron object. So, when we apply paint on iron articles it reduces the rusting of iron. Question 18 Oil and fat containing food items are flushed with nitrogen.

Solution: Packaging fat and oil containing foods in nitrogen gas can prevent rancidity. When the fat and oil present in food materials gets oxidised in air , their oxidation products have an unpleasant smell and taste. When it is surrounded by unreactive gas, nitrogen, there is no oxygen of air to cause its oxidation and make it rancid. Question 19 Explain the following terms with one example each. Corrosion b. Rancidity Solution: a.

Corrosion is the process in which metals are eaten up gradually by the action of air, moisture or a chemical on their surface. Corrosion is caused mainly by the oxidation of metals by the oxygen of air. Example: Rusting of iron is the most common form of corrosion. This is called rusting of iron. The condition produced by aerial oxidation of fat and oil in food which is marked by an unpleasant smell and taste is called rancidity.

Example: Rancidity can be retarded by keeping food in a refrigerator. The refrigerator has a low temperature inside it. When the food is kept in a refrigerator, the oxidation of fat and oil in it is slowed down due to low temperature.

So, the development of rancidity due to oxidation is retarded. Question 20 Why should a magnesium ribbon be cleaned before burning in air?

Solution: To remove the oxide layer and facilitates rapid burning. Question 21 Write the balanced equation for the following chemical reactions. Question 22 Write a balanced chemical equation and state symbols for the following reactions.

Solutions of barium chloride and sodium sulphate in water react to Class 10th Physics Chapter 2 Ncert Solutions Ed give insoluble barium sulphate and the solution of sodium chloride b. Sodium hydroxide solution in water reacts with hydrochloric acid solution in water to produce sodium chloride solution and water. Question 24 Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when an iron nail is dipped into it?

Solution: In this reaction, iron displaces copper from copper sulphate solution. The deep blue colour of copper sulphate solution fades due to the formation of light green solution of iron sulphate. A red-brown coating of copper metal is formed on the surface of the iron metal. This displacement reaction occurs because iron is more reactive than copper.

Question 25 Identify the substances that are oxidised and the substances that are reduced in the following reactions. The addition of oxygen is Called oxidation.

So the substance that is oxidized is sodium Na. In this reaction, copper oxide CuO gives the oxygen required for the oxidation of hydrogen; therefore, copper oxide is the oxidizing agent. Hydrogen is responsible for removing oxygen from copper oxide; therefore, hydrogen is the reducing agent Ncert Solutions Class 10th Physics Chapter Light Lab here.

Question 1. When crystals of lead nitrate are heated strongly in a dry test tube a crystals immediately melt b a brown residue is left c white fumes appear in the test tube d a yellow residue is left Answer: b Pungent smelling, brown fumes are evolved due to NO 2 gas and brown coloured residue of lead oxide PbO is left. Question 2. A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually added to the beaker containing acidified permanganate solution.

The light purple colour of the solution fades and finally disappears. Which of the following is the correct explanation for the observation? The step-by-step NCERT solutions for textbook questions will allow you to practise accurate answers for important questions.

This exercise improves your Physics skills and enables you to write your final exam confidently. Which are the other resources that I can use to study Physics lessons? With the help of concept insights, you will clearly understand how an expert solved the complex questions in Physics. Enter the OTP sent to your number Change.

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