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For the second time in six months President Habib from Rotary Cosmopolitan, Beirut was good enough to take time out and up date us on the September Beirut explosion and the club activities that are taking place in the wake of the disaster.

President William closed this truly International evening giving thanks to all who attended and all participants. We hope that you have noticed that the days are getting a little longer, there are buds and catkins on the trees and shoots poking out through the earth.

So, we are inviting you to "Notice Nature" by taking photos of whatever nature you can see from your window or your daily walk, whether it is green shoots, beautiful views or bird and animals. Some of us will not have seen a beach or mountain for a while so let's brighten our days as we look forward to Spring. Send your photos to roymbe yahoo. He talked humerously about his first harmonica and entertained us by playing many unforgettable classics such as Genevieve and Dixon of Dock Green.

Roy gave him a vote of thanks for taking us all away from the present "doom and gloom", and testing the musical memories of all members during the last Precise date to be confirmed. The "carrot" was a bottle of wine to the winner in each category but on condition that a contribution be made to our Charity Account. With the kindness and cooperations of members, the Charity account has been enhanced, but even more significantly so, given the contributions in lieu of meal costs, a weekly bonus ball competition and other donations.

We hope to keep going with the cycling sessions until we at least cover "1," mile mark, a figure relevant for the Rotary Polio Eradication Programme. Mike Lewis delivered a Christmas address, mentioning the Bethlehem Star which might have been visible in the sky during the evening for the first time in years had it not been for mist and rain. Its reputed appearance in the sky above Judea over 2, years ago guiding the three wise men to Bethlehem; a light showing maybe even to-day a way out of the darkess of the mid-winter solstice of 21st December.

Mike recounted three fables, each of which had both a link to Christianity but a moral lesson too. President William thanked Mike for his thoughtful address. Rotarian Hugh Thomas brought the proceedings to an end by thanking the President for the way he had led Rotary Bridgend, by example and personal effort, during his year of office to date - no former President had to serve during such challenging circumstances but William had risen to and far above the challenge.

A few very enjoyable minutes were spent thereafter as member exchanged information about current event and personal experiences. Another failure was in the Rotary Round, the graveyard round where usually both teams score 0. Unfortunately we managed to accumulate 8 points. Overall victory was achieved by a combination of knowledge and recall, inspired guesswork and sheer luck. Robins Rotary Ramble Wednesday 25th November On a lovely sunny day, members of Rotary Bridgend and guests, along with Madeleine Moon of Rotary Porthcawl, carried out a mass clean up of Newton Beach.

Over twenty bags of plastic, glass, cans and general litter were removed for recycling. A brilliant day's work! Also a big thank you to a lady runner who was passing and helped to carry a few sacks across the beach. Much appreciated.

Guest Speaker Robert Phillips. He graduated from the University of Wales, Lampeter, in with a B. Rob welcomed the opportunity to make his presentation to the members and guests of Rotary Bridgend.

His pride and enthusiasm on what has been achieved within the Library and what ambitious plans he is involved in is very encouraging for the future. The meeting was attended by the majority of members and also guests who listened, questioned and participated in the discussions. Rob responded by inviting members to attend the Library in Aberystwyth and also offered assistance by phone or e-mail communication.

Guest Speaker Lindsey Bergstrom. This proved to be a successful event although held under the enforced restrictions caused by the Covid pandemic. President Dr. William Williams welcomed everyone to the meeting with special reference to our guests and the Chair of the Foundation Team, Hugh Thomas then introduced Lindsey, giving pertinent dates and appointments held in her impressive CV.

She is married to a U. Marine and has three beautiful children. Unfortunately her oldest daughter was diagnosed with a rare bone disease at the age of 8 years. That comment will become an important fact later in the introduction.

This links with her daughter's problem. Lindsey had no prior connections to Wales but does have Welsh ancestry, believed from Glamorganshire, surname Morgan, established Morgantown in West Virginia, where there is a family grave.

Both her daughters and Lindsey have Morgan as Christian names. Lindsey was welcomed warmly and gave a delightful illustrated address showing her photographic work with passion and drive. The most interesting talk was followed by a lively question and answer session, chaired by the President.

Finally the vote of thanks was given and warmly supported by all present. Lindsey was wished every success in all her endeavours. It had been a pleasure to be part of this successful event in the Rotary Bridgend programme for this year. Zoom Evening Meeting 26th October Richard Roberts an M. He is responsible for establishing significant philanthropic contributions from both alumni and friends who have established a bond with the University and want to re-imagine a new future for the building that will benefit students, families and communities in Aberystwyth, Wales and the World.

The plans for the Old College will focus on the activity and the spaces which can make the best use of the historic and complex building in its sea front location by creating easy access to the magnificent spaces: facilitating the movement of people and goods around the building, and providing activities, events and services that will attract diverse audiences from students, the local community, tourists and visitors. Ultimately the plans will create an appealing and viable attraction, as well as a key University asset and a town centre facility for research and learning which reaches out to the local community and to the World.

In the Project there is a clear focus on the opportunities to bring the University closer to the local community while setting the Old College as a symbol, a well known historical image and as a home to higher education that is of global importance to the future. World Polio Day Saturday 24th October Robins Rotary Ramble Wed 30th Sept South Wales Fire and Rescue have been facilitating Family Firefighter for a day programmes in conjunction with the family departement since The programme is available to prisoners and their children from the Family Unit and the Ex- Serviceman's Unit.

The programme helps the fathers and their children with team building and problem solving skills, whilst also educating them around home safety and what to do in the event of a fire in the home. This year, we have been supported by the Rotary Club of Bridgend. This support will go a long way to providing Christmas presents for the children who will be having a Christmas Party later this month. Rotary's Annual Christmas Carol Service. Bridgend's Hospital Radio formally known as Bridgend League of Friends Hospital Radio, is a registered charity and will be celebrating it's first birthday on the 1st September.

I have an Aunt Dorothy Yanda that was an inamte there she was 8 years old then. Since I can't find any information on this school I would be interested in any information. Why they were sent there? The conditions, anything I have an Aunt Dorothy Yanda that was an inmate there, she was 8 years old then.

George Pirkel, ggroll core. Also info on the home. Anyone wanting a copy, E-Mail me at ggroll core. Guy , gedsall tellurian. I have been told it was in Jersey City, New Jersey. I do not know the name of it.

It may have been a catholic charities run place, not sure, but at one time there was a carnival in the play yard and we children were watched by two nuns. The building was two or three stories. The boys slept in the main floor and the girls on the top floor. The play yard was on a hill and there was a chain link fence atop a concrete wall along a city street. There was also a mounted policeman that rode by almost every day.

He would stop and talk to us. I am tying to find out the name of this orphanage to trace my early life history and possible find my birth family. If anyone recognizes this orphanage from my brief description, and its name, please email me. I was there in the early 50's. John Payne, johndpayne yahoo. Her father left the family and her mother committed suicide shortly thereafter. She always spoke so warmly of the "nuns" she stayed with while she was young. Would anybody know of what organization or facility in the Nassau County area it might have been where she stayed those years?

John Payne Milford, Connecticut. Cindy Kunkel, Cindy. Kunkel catalinamar keting. I was told the family was always very poor and when the depression hit, no one knows where this family went. Will's older brother Jack showed up in the Marion County Poorhouse in but couldn't find the other Linsters.

The kids may have been placed in homes or taken from the parents. I think Uncle Wills wifes name was Oma. If anyone knows this family, please contact me. Lea Reyes, qdk hotmail. Jefferson county, I think She was supposed to be around 7, her name at the time was supposed to be Myrtle May Moore. She had an older I think sister who was, I am told not sent to the orphanage. They were, I am told, supposed to be inheriting some land which was rich with Pecan Groves and that that may be why my grandmother was sent to the orphanage.

I think she had a brother who was a junior to her father. I hope somebody reading this has some information or says something to someone who has. Thanks for the site to post this message. Sally Beck Ferguson, fsally bellsouth. Freda Muldoon, fredaflorence att. Barnabas children's shelter in lower Manhattan in the early 's.

An on-line support group would also be okay. Does anyone have any ideas about how to get started? Please contact me.

Butch O"Connor aka Bob Lassone, lvze4tgyw verizon. Also looking for the Smith kids. The director of the home's name was Mother O'Neal. She was the leader of the pecker checkers in the morning. He and a brother were placed in an orphanage after their father was murdered. His mother died when he was very young. I believe that he was around 5 years of age when he and his brother, name unknow, were placed in an orphanage, name unknown. The orphanage was somewhere east of Dallas, Texas.

I do not know the exact years, but believe it to be in the late 's or sometime in the 's. Charly S. She was a Choctaw Indian. Eunice Campbell, eunicenada aol. Eva Stein, evastein yahoo. Recommending it is my small contribution. Just by entering this site, in a certain way, is uniting to this noble effort. For a better humanity!

The site is www. Pat Lufkin, lufkin26 aol. Harriet Ray, hray aol. Grand Avenue I am looking for my half brother. My mother was 18 at the time and unwed. She never forgot the son she had to give up. On her death bed she cried out for him. I would just like to be able to tell him how much she loved him. Joe Livu, livjo hotmail. J Gallagher, jlg45 hiickorytech. Brother Hugh is listed as the teacher there. Daniel was my Grandfather. Patsy Evans, gentlestar aol. Dominics convent in Blauvelt N.

Timothy j Callahan, tjall optonline. Newark ,New Jersey to I would like to hear from anyone who was at St. My brother and sister were there as well,Paul and Regina. Father Timmus was the head priest. Sister Arnolda and Sister Fronta were the "charge nuns"at that time. We grew our own food on a farm ,in Newark!

Write if you have memories to share Robbin Buchtel, PetticoatsC aol. My mother's name was is Ingeborge Marie Becker. According to my mom, her mother sent her to Hopewell for 1 to 3 years.

My Grandmother arrived in New York at 18 years old from Germany with no family. My mother was the product of a relationship between my grandmother Margarete Hausenclever and Eric Becker he wanted nothing to do with his child. My mother was born in March and went to Hopewell when she was between 5 and 7 years old. Any info on Hopewell location,still around,way to access records, year closed would be greatly appreciated.

I can be contacted at PetticoatsC aol. John Bangert, jjbangert msn. John's Orphan Asylum from This home was located at 49th Street and Wyalusing Ave. I was hoping to get a history or pictures from the Sisters of Saint Joseph, archivist, who I contacted recently. I was also hoping to find the names, biography and perhaps pictures of the SSJ sisters at St. John's Home. Mary Eggberta, Sr. Mary, of Consolation, Sr.

Mary Finbarr, Sr. Mary David, Sr. Alice Patricia, Sr. Helen Constance, Sr. Mary Daniel, Sr. Carthage, Sr. Cora Maria, Sr. Mary Francis, Sr. Perpetua etc.. Are any of these Sisters still alive? These were teaching nuns, and dormitory nuns from 's.

Several building are still in use by the present owners and we are planning a 50 year reunion. Were you here? When and please tell us when. In it hayday, we had over boys located here. Any one interested, please contact us at We recently went on a two hour tour of the buildings in May On the 3rd floor where the nuns had their cells is now individually offices. We also saw "B", "E", we saw the old group shower room and originial toilets, and urinals are still there.

The Gym, poor, and school are gone and replaced with low income housing on Westminister Street side. Who remembers Mr. Funk "Pete" who would give out TP when we would try to sneak into the outside bathroom for warmth in the winters.

Do you remember the swings and sliding board, will they are all gone too. I am told me that there is a bench or pew on which we waited outside the Main office, it is now at the Motherhouse, does anyone have a digital camera to snap a picture of two of this and other art effects from St.

John's Home Chapel? We hope to be putting a web site together so we can share whatever photos we get. Thank you, The Re-union Committee! Merci Vanasse-Vickery, Mercilesss aol. I am trying to locate records regarding my mother Constance Louise Davis and her siblings stay there.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Merci Vanasse-Vickery. If you are looking for records the are kept in a warehouse at wheelersburg, call the children services and tell them what you are looking for,as for pictures go to your county library and the have pictures and also I think the have old year books from wheelersburg high.

I know that the holsinger brothers in portsmouth have some pic. I was 5 yrs old when i was in the orphange and lived there until i was thirteen. Would appreciate if someone would contact me at peeweetri aol. He was a Protege of Edward A. Duffy, a priest, but it looks like my grandfather was living at the home of 'Father Duffy' and not in an Orphanage.

Thanks Jackie. Patricia Gail, mistral82 aol. Michael's in , I visited in Jan, and tried to obtain information, I was only 17 at the time so they were not willing to give me anything. I was able to tour through the orphanage and found it very strange to feel I was there 17 years prior.

It was run by I believe Catholic Charities probably the sisters of Mercy I remember the sisters in all white I spoke to the mother Superior. But no luck and I was unaware it was demolished in 73, but I haven't been able to find any info on it either, If you have found any info since your inquiry please notify me.

I stuck on where my records may be now. I suppose I should check with Catholic Charities they may have retained the records. Well, good luck to you! Michael's orphanage in Hopewell, NJ. April Dawn Nelson, clydenefred juno. His name was put on my original birth certificate as Glenn Melvin Baker. Some research on him has been fruitful. I believe that he remained in that general area for some time. He would be years old at this time and may have moved back to AZ??

Any help anyone can give me with my search to find him, whether he is alive or not, will be greatly welcome. Rachel Waterbury, Danserw9 aol. This is a relative that we had never heard mention about until recently. If anybody has any information about this Orphanage, or about anyone named Martin, please email me.

Joseph's orphanage, utica, new york ? It is my understanding that a staph infection swept the orphanage at that time; many infants died and I in fact received the last rites of the church. It had been a co-ed school and when a new school was built for the boys in Notre Dame the girls were sent ironically to finish high school in what had been St.

John's orphanage on Genesee St. I have vivid memories of that forboding gothic hilltop buildling,overlooking Genesee St. I had an odd sense of having been there earlier. I have tried to revisit but it has been turned into a rather exclusive condominium somewhat of a gated community. Please feel free to contact me. I would love access to some of those records and perhaps could be helpful to you.

I live now in Rochester, New York, but most of my family remain in Utica. Jolene Mershon, jolenem sbcglobal. She was adopted by a couple named Davis who lived around Hill City, Kansas.

She was a baby at the time. A handwritten card was given to her by her adoptive parents. I have original correspondence from a Mrs. Kate Coe from the Life Line Orphange.

It shows the address as being N. I could never find Mrs. Zimmerman, whose address in was Clark Dr. Anyone with any information on this that can share, it would be greatly appreciated. Sandie Yeaman, sandielee cox. My gggrandmother placed two little girls here.

They are on the census as Bertha abd Esther Guthman. I have found him on the census up to but cannot find anything on these two little girls. I have much more family history I would be willing to share. I lived there from June through school year Looking for anyone during that era, especially 12 women who came from Cuba prior to the Cuban missile crisis, about Juanita Mondonedo. Get your portfolio online Absolutely for free on KhajanaHunt. We tell you exactly what you want to know and how to do it!

That is why we say, You will never need an advertising agency again - ever! Contact at bussinessenquiry1 indiatimes. Full training provided, no previous experience is necessary. Kimberly, player25 bellsouth. Anthony DiGiesi, magnaflex2 aol. After some time it became normal. Then after we were living again with grandparents it was strange to be on the outside again "free" so to speak.

There were many boys from Newark there with us and many other brothers also. We had a close kinship with all who were there. The Nuns for the most part were caring except for the few hard cases. We were always drawn back for Christmas eve Mass there. It was instinctive. I went for a visit up to Monroe New York where we had a summer camp and slept in my car to extend the stay. There is also a retirement home in MonroeNY.

I was glad to see Sister Agnes she ran the whole orphanage and she must have been sent by GOD to care for the about to boys there. I have a special place in my heart for her. Any body there at that time from to drop me a line. Wouls love to hear from you. Kris, brityl02 aol. I am trying to find any information on her biological family. Her name was Mary Mole and she had 2 brothers, Joseph and Frank.

I have a file from the NY Foundling Hospital, but its very hard to read and some of the information is not consistent. Any help would be appreciated or if anyone knows of anyone else that was on the Orphan Train, that would be helpful as well. Thank You Kris. Bob Cunningham, xbuckeye1 yahoo. The name of the institution was later changed to Hillcrest Children's Home. I would enjoy communicating with others who were at the facility while I was there, or earlier.

I am preparing a record of my experiences, along with some pictures, and solicit comments and pictures from others who were there. I will gladly share what I presently have. I now live in California. The name of the institution was changed to Hillcrest Children's Home about Can any one help me find out more about my mohter, and realtives.

Page T. Harris, pharris henssler. She had two other siblings there that were older. Her name when she was put there was Alice Frazier with bother George and sister Bertha. She was born in in Whitley County Kentucky.

She was adopted by Ollie Hewlett and moved to Trenton, Kentucky. If anyone has any information about this orphanage please contact me at pharris henssler.

Megan Fitzhugh, Babatuffgirl netscape. Joseph, Little Rock, Arkansas Hi, my name is megan Fitzhugh, my Dad is adopted and I wanted to find his family or parents that gave him up or put him on the doorstep of St.

Joseph's orphanage on July 18, Please email me if you know his family or is his family please email me Babatuffgirl netscape. Lisa Hayden, jlca prowebonline. Her mother claimed to have been found on a trash can lid in California possibly San Diego in and taken to an orphanage which she ran away from when she was 10 years old.

She also claimed to have no birth certificate. Can anyone tell me what the practices where in that era for naming foundlings? How would she have gotten a surname? Also would she have been given a birth certificate? Thank you for any help you could provide. J Wilby, j5wilby aol. John's Orphange 49th and Wyalusing Ave. Phila Pa Would like to hear from anyone who was in St. John's in the early 60's. Ida, ida , Fri Jan 2 St. Mary's Orphanage in Jacksonville, Florida I am looking for anyone who has records of children who went to St.

Mary's Orphanage. John Howard, howfam vermontel. Foster home approx. Any one who was placed in this foster home or has any information please e-mail me. Anna, annaferlitsch aol. Uncle Eddie felt safe there in the sight of Christ One brother became involved in a life of crime-- the other a minister at Folsom Prision.

The book was published in and was short listed at the Canadian Jewish Book Awards for history in Toronto in Would you be interested in this book, we would gladly send you one for history purposes, in your lkibrary possible.

We would like the world to know this untold story. Since the book was published, we have had many inquiries, that Judy is now doing a supplement to be published this summer. Looking forward to your reply, Sincerely Myer Gordon our website is Janet L.

Mancini, janet. Uniontown, PA. I along with my twin brother, John, was placed there by our birthmother. The home was closing up and we were then adopted out to a wonderful family. It actually closed July If anyone has any information or lived in the home please contact me. JAnet L. Colman's Home, Watervliet, N. Ernest, A Survivor. Patricia Chiofalo, agnes zianet.

I am searching for some girls who were in St Dominics with me. Also for the young lady who took me on as a big sister so I would have a visitor sometimes. Her name was JoAnne, and she brought me comic books that were taken from me as soon as she left. She may have been from a nearby college. Does anyone remember Sister Rose? Sister James Catherine?

Food scrap handouts? The Henshaw sisters, and Mary Sullivan? She used to bring sandwiches for her lunch which she sometimes shared. From the food handouts thru the fence from Camp Shanks german prisoners of war, to the siblings I saw once a month, to the hours of cleanup after flu swept thru, I am filled with memories.

I will be seventy next month. I am lonely. Is there anybody out there? Sharon Hunt, winningsteps aol. It was the to almost I did write to them to get information about my stay and they were kind enough to respond. YOu would have to know the name and approximate years. In those days we were all educated in the orphanage. Everything happened right there, you rarely got out.

Boys were separated from girls, except in school class rooms. If you had a brother there, you only got to them them once each month, briefly. It was strict but fair if you stayed out of trouble If you acted out, it could be quite rough. I got a great education that I am grateful for, but feel extremely limited emotionally in my ability to cope with society. I did have and raise 5 kids, and tried to overcompensate in my parenting as I had no role model We were left on our own too much.

Too many kids and not enough adults. But I am alive. Are there any other Maryville Kids out there. If so, write me at winningsteps aol. Sam West, charger yahoo. Hospital paperwork described the birthmother as having fair skin, blue eyes,and dark hair although this info may be incorrect. Birthmother contacted Catholic charities on March 31, and was described as being "a very attractive, refined and well mannered young woman.

Please contact me if you can remeber anyone from that time, or if you have any information at all. Thank You. One orphan's fight to survive and expose the horrors of living in such institutions. We'll offer you quality goods restored or produced by our experienced craftsment. We also have rich experience in cooperating with our internationl wholesalers. Importers, wholesalers, distributors, agents, and shop or web owners are our targeted customers.

Frame artwork We have hundreds of styles in stock and thousands of designs for you to select from. We can also do customization order. Almost any picture can be made into embroidery art work by our workshop. We're looking for dealers around the world to make a profitable business on both sides. We have rich experience in cooperating with importers, wholesalers, distributors, agents, shop owners, etc.

We can offer you good items with very competitive price. The retail price on our web is on the same level with ordinary online shops. It's just for consumers' reference. Plus the high shpping fee and time needed from China to outside, the consumers tend to buy locally, not from us.

Shanghai Address: No. I recently received a letter from my birth mother telling me of him. He was stationed in the UK in His name is Gayle Though not sure of the spelling Robinson or Robertson, or a close derivative of those. He was born around - and he was raised in an orphanage in Pennsylvania, upon reaching work age he worked as a miner prior to enlisting in the military. To help me find out the history of my father, I am trying to identify his home town or county.

Grace Day, dragonmoon56 yahoo. Vincents orphanage for boys, detroit , michigan I am searching for any information on my grandfather, Henry Ralph Kellar. He arrived on the orphan train and had a brother named Frank who later was said to have run away to California. Henry was born January 10 - Annie Virginia Gynnip Chaffee, avchaffee hotmail. I found her name in the census for Harrison Township. It states that she was living with an Esther VanWert.

I believe that she could be my Aunt. She was 8 years old at the time. I also found an Irene Guinnip who died on June 26, Exactly 2 months after my father was born. She died in Westfield,Tioga County,Pennsylvania. My father claimed to have a sister named Anna, who moved to Cincinnatti, Ohio and raised my sister Beatrice V. Guinnip, born February 16, I believe that Irene could be my Grandmother. Her funeral bill was rendered to a William Guinnip of R. My father claims to have been raised by an Alvira Persing in Sabinsville,Pa.

Alvira Persing could be my great-grandmother. Mary-Lew, toyventures fast. Patti, jnplvn aol. The name she had was Ethelyn Marie. She was caucasion. She stayed a ward of the state until she was 18 and was in several homes.

Mom has passed away and he life is a mystery to us. I would like any info at all. Lynda Bailey, iowagirlnow juno. My brother Tony and sister Lisa were also there.

I have some memories but not too many. I feel as if two years are missing from my life. I am hoping to connect with someone who was there. I was born in , so I spent 2nd and 3rd grade there. Thank you for your time. At same time we know how to proceed well with manufacturing, transport, inspection, etc. At present we are expand our business and looking for importers, distributors, wholesalers and buyers. Visit our site: www. Looking forward to your early reply.

Richard Mankin, RBMankin webtv. I remember the Christman's and some of the kids names that were there with me. On my Dad's side of the family, I started with Dad's parents and sisters, which I have never meet and they never meet me or my brother.

One of my puzzles is this: My Dad kept in his wallet his SS card and the stub to the card. On the stub he wrote his mother's maiden name: Mary Brown and then he had Carl Hodge and Philadelphia. Something doesn't sound right with this. Why would you write your parent's names and your place of birth? I wrote for my Dad's birth certificate, but they had no record of birth for the names I provided. Dad's address in on the marriage certificate is Sumter, SC.

The story my Mom told me was that my dad did something to where his dad was going to turn my Dad in to the police, so they got into a fight and my Dad's Dad kicked my Dad out of the house. Mom said Dad told her he had gotten into a car wreck in his teens and was in hospital awhile. I don't know where. All of this was in his teens. My Dad was traveling with the fair at the time Mom and Dad met and married. My Dad at one time worked were they took taxes out and that was in Florida in Dad never worked anywhere else where he had taxes took out.

My Dad would either travel with the fair or had night clubs here in Charleston, SC. All my Dad's clubs were in my Mom's name. Dad couldn't or didn't want the drinking license in his name, etc. Dad was good at covering his tracks. I do know one thing when traveling with the fair back then everyone had Alabama tags because you didn't need car insurance. As you see I have nothing to go on without a birth certificate, etc. Nancy Glaser, nance aol.

My adopted name was Nancy Lu Thompson. I have in my possession a letter from a woman by the name of Hazel McKain who states that she hopes they my adoptive parents are happy with her little sweetheart. I am unable to find anything on Hazel McKain.

I would truly love to find my biological parents or siblings. Hazel McKain mentions my adoptive father by his nickname "Bill" so I know she knew him personally, not just as a prospective parent.

My adoptive parents had been trying to adopt a second child for at least 3 years prior to September, Their first child was a son, whom they named Dale "Reed", adopted on April 24, same day as his birth, my adoptive mother told me at the Milan, Indiana clinic. William Warn of Milan, Indiana brought him to them that day. There were adoption papers for my adopted brother, but no such papers were found for me in my parents safety deposit box at the time of my mother's death in Whenever my mother and I spoke about my adoption she being visibly upset.

Whenever my mother and I spoke about my adoption she became visibly upset. I went by Marie,I had several girl friends that i remember,there was catydid ,cathy,joanie she had two sisters and a girl we called Scabby and one we called sweet tator KIDs are Mean,right,?

Thanks marie. Bruce Bergren, bruren olypen. My name is Bruce, I look forward to hearing from you, thank you.

Sincerely, Bruce. Shirley Lavon Loftis born Jan. Taken from their home in Ponca City,Oklahoma Jan. Broadway Wichita,Kansas My Email: cox. If so, please help me. I'm trying to find out where children would be sent if they were orphaned in Brooklyn to be exact. Thanks so much. Kelli Brown, kellibrown bellsouth. Mary's Home for Girls in Savannah Georgia I am looking for any information anyone can give me on this home for girls. My mother, Glennis Minton, stayed here for three years.

We are looking for pictures, people and anything to help us see the place our mother lived. Linda Squires, kahahuna juno. We believe his mother was Ruth M. He was born August in Oklahoma City and placed in St. Joseph's Orphanage. He was later adopted by the Evans family. My mother Pluma Clausen and her two brothers were there. I think maybe the dir. Mooreland Thanks Jan. Evelin Maradona, evelinmaradona yahoo. Lorene, norwoodroses yahoo.

He was born in He was only four when he was adopted. He doesn't remember his brothers and sisters name. He was adopted by the Wuth family. They went back to adopt his sister,but she was gone. I have found info on one of his brothers. His name was Harry E Marsh. He died in April It doesn't look like he got adopted. I'm just guessing that because he got to keep his,birth name.

Please if you can help,write to me at norwoodroses yahoo. He would like to find out why he was taken from his parents. There was a total of five children in the Marsh family. His birth certificate says Wyandotte County kansas.

Thanks , Lorene. Ida McComb, iemgirl earthlink. He was born Oct. He had a brother, name unknown. Apparently Joseph's parents both died during a flu epidemic around , so Joseph and his brother were sent to a Catholic Orphanage in Cincinnati, Ohio. Joseph eventually ran away from the orphange and settled around Warren, Penn.

Sandra Braxmeyer, sandiandtony msn. My father is now deceased as well as his two brothers. He would never talk about those days and I would like to know about my ancestors.

His brothers names are Stanley and Harry Morehead. I realize it is expensive to research your ancestors and I don't have much money. Does anyone know about my relatives or how I can get started?

I did find a Jwish orphange in the Calif. Thank you for your help. Marjorie Tortajada, mtortajada1 yahoo. Family name Kaesler. Two boys ages 7 and 10 and two girls ages 12 and Marge mtortajada1 yahoo. Linda, americelt6 aol.

My brother, Michael was 9 yrs. The boys and girls were seperated of course and I only got brief glances of my older brother at meal times and at church.

I never saw my baby brother at all, except when my grandparents would visit, then Wooden Kitchen Toys John Lewis Guide we all got to see each other. Before being placed there , I had know idea what brutatity was.

The abuse by the nuns was atrocious. I and my siblings lived in fear every day. There's one nun whom I will never forget. Her name was Sister Marie Philomenia. I could go on and on about the barbaric treatment imposed on us by these alledged people of God.

I did have one saving grace while there, however. Her name was Beth. I do believe she may have had a twin sister I can't remember for sure but it does stick out in my memory for some reason. She was one of the big girls, appox. In the early evening before bed, she would fuss over me, brush my hair and talk sweet to me. I have thought of Beth many, many times over the years and have always loved her and held her close to my heart.

Beth, if by some miracle you read this, I want you to know how grateful I was that you cared about me. You made a lasting impression on my life. I will never forget you. Love Forever, Linda. The boys and girls were separated of course and I only got brief glances of my older brother at meal times and at church. Before being placed there , I had no idea what brutatity was. Wilma Borawski-Castro, nytiny comcast. Does anyone know of the place or how I can get any information on it.

My grandfather and his brother were placed there and their names were Charles and Alexander Mclaren. Clarice, familysearch cox. The story has it that my great-grandfather Arthur William Bethell desserted my great-grandmother Opal Hodges and their 2 children.

The children were placed in an institution by their mother. My grandmother said that at diffent times she was in 2 orphanages, one in Arkansas and one in Tennessee maybe Memphis. She said that one was Catholic and one was Baptist.

She was with her brother. He was about 18 months older, my grandmother's recollection of her birth place and birthdate were sketchy. We think she was born in about At different times she reported that she was born in Des Ark or Little Rock. We are not sure how many years they were in an orphange, but in they were living with their mother in El Paso, TX.

We have a picture of a building with children standing in front of it, but no identification. Maybe someone would recognise the building. We would appreciate in information or ideas. Antiques chinese at www. I would appreciate hearing from other residents of the home. Because I do not have regular acces to a computer, please contact me by mail at P. Box , Baton Rouge, LA, I am looking for others who were in St Dominics in Blauvelt New York when the German prisoner of war camp Shanks, was operating next door, to There were so many of us.

Where are you all? Why don't you reply? What are you afraid of? We're not kids anymore. There is nothing to be afraid of. Let me hear from you. For the while we were family you became a memory that is still part of who I am today. I am Bklyn. Email me please and lets share.

Tristan Baines, orphanx hotmail. I am and have been an Orphan my entire life. I am I was raised in over 50 Fosterhomes, Boy's Homes and orphanages all over Florida. I was a ward of the state from birth until I joined the Navy as a way out.

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