CBSE Class 10 History Chapter 1 Notes - The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Reaction is a term used for depicting a change or transformation in which a substance decomposes, combines with other substances, or interchanges constituents with other substances. A chemical change is always accompanied by a chemical reaction.

A Chemical Equation represents a chemical reaction. A complete chemical equation represents ncert class 10th history notes and reactants, products, and their physical states symbolically.

A chemical equation also indicates a number of atoms of each element involved in a reaction. A chemical equation can be written as balanced or unbalanced. An unbalanced chemical equation is also known as Skeletal Chemical Equation for a reaction.

An equation having an equal number of ncert class 10th history notes and of each element on both the sides is called a balanced chemical equation.

Types of Chemical Reaction Chemical Reactions are primarily of five types as listed below: 1. Combination reaction 2. Decomposition reaction 3. Displacement reaction 4. Double displacement reactions 5. Generally, Combination Reactions are exothermic in nature. Decomposition reactions are opposite to combination reactions.

In a Decomposition reaction, a single substance decomposes to give two or more substances. When an element displaces another element from its compound, such reaction is called a displacement reaction e.

A double displacement reaction is a bimolecular process in which parts of two compounds are exchanged to give two new compounds. Two compounds exchange their ions resulting in the formation of two new compounds. One of the new compounds formed would be separated from the mixture in some way, commonly as a solid or gas. Double displacement reactions can be further classified as Precipitation, Gas formation, and Acid-base neutralization reactions.

Sample Hot Ncert class 10th history notes and Q. Ans: Those reactions in which a compound splits up into two or more simpler substances in the presence of catalyst are called catalytic reactions.

For example, digestion of food in human body. Ans: Chemical equation. Ans: Two uses of decomposition reactions - i These reactions are used ncert class 10th history notes and extract several metals from their oxides and salts.

The starch carbohydrates present in the body is decomposed to give simple substance glucose and the proteins are broken down into amino acids. Ans: Oxidizing agent The substance, which oxidizes elements or compounds, is known as oxidizing agent e.

Reducing agent The substance, which oxidizes elements or compounds, is known as oxidizing agent e. It reduces ferric Class 10th Ncert History Notes Vba chloride to ferrous chloride. Ncert Cbse Class 10, Science Chemistry. Chemical Reactions and Equations. Science Notes. Types of Chemical Reaction. Chemical Reactions are primarily of five types as listed below:. Combination reaction.

Decomposition reaction. Displacement reaction. Double displacement reactions. Oxidation and Reduction reactions. The following are some examples of Combination Reactions:.

The general equation used to represent double displacement reactions can be written as. Examples of double displacement reactions are. Sample Hot Questions. Ans: Two uses of decomposition reactions. When the oxide or salt is electrolyzed, metal is obtained as per the following equation:.

Oxidizing agent. The substance, which oxidizes elements or compounds, is known as oxidizing agent e. Hence, oxygen is an oxidizing agent.

Reducing agent. Here stannous chloride is a reducing ncert class 10th history notes and. Next Prev Post. Previous Next Post. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Subscribe Free Enter your email address:. Popular Post Class-Textbook Subject. For best view of this site use Google Chrome.

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His noble method of mass agitation known as Satyagraha that had yielded good results. In , Gandhi travelled to Champaran in Bihar to inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressive plantation system. Swaraj in the Plantations : The plantation workers were not permitted to leave the tea gardens without permission; as per the Indian Emigration Act of When the news of Non-Cooperation Movement spread to the plantations, many workers began to defy the authorities.

They left plantations and headed towards their homes. But they got stranded on the way because of a railway and steamer strike. They were caught by the police and brutally beaten up. The method of Satyagraha was based on the idea that if someone is fighting for a true cause, there is no need to use any physical force to fight the oppressor. Gandhiji believed that a satyagrahi could win a battle through non-violence, i. Some early Satyagraha movements organised by Gandhiji :.

Mahatma Gandhi now decided to launch a nationwide Satyagraha. Rallies were organised in various cities, workers went on strike in railway workshops and shops were closed down. This provoked widespread attacks on government establishments. Martial Law was imposed in Amritsar and the command of the area was given to General Dyer.

The infamous shocking Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place on 13th April; the day on which Baisakhi is celebrated in Punjab. A crowd of villagers came to participate in a fair in Jallianwala Bagh. It was enclosed from all sides with narrow entry points. Hundreds of people were killed in that incident. Public reaction to the incident took a violent turn in many north Indian towns.

The government was quite brutal in its response. Things turned highly violent turn. Mahatma Gandhi called off the movement as he did not want to continue the violence. Hundreds of innocent people were killed. This agitated Indian minds that resulted in strikes, clashes with the police and attacks on government buildings. The Khilafat issue gave Mahatma Gandhi an opportunity to bring the Hindus and Muslims on a common platform.

A Khilafat committee was formed in Bombay in March to defend the Khalifa. This committee had leaders like the brothers Muhammad Ali and Shaukat Ali. They also wanted Mahatma Gandhi to take up the cause to build a united mass action. At the Calcutta session of the Congress in September , the resolution was passed to launch a Non-Cooperation Movement in support of Khilafat and also for Swaraj.

In the First World War, Ottoman Turkey was defeated and a harsh peace treaty was imposed on the Ottoman emperor�the spiritual head of the Islamic world the Khalifa. To unite Hindus and Muslims, Gandhiji decided to start the Non-Cooperation Movement in support of Khilafat as well as for swaraj, at the Calcutta session of the Congress in September, In his famous book Hind Swaraj , Mahatma Gandhi declared that British rule was established in India with the cooperation of Indians and had survived only because of this cooperation.

If Indians refused to cooperate, British rule in India would collapse within a year, and Swaraj would be established. Gandhiji believed that if Indians begin to refuse to cooperate, the British rulers will have no other way than to leave India. Proposals of Non-Cooperation Movement. Launch full civil disobedience Class 10th Ncert History Chapter 1st Notes campaign, if the government persisted with repressive measures.

Various social groups participated in this movement, each with its own specific aspiration. All of them responded to the call of Swaraj, but the term meant different things to different people. He was a sanyasi who had earlier worked in Fiji as an indentured labourer. The peasants were against the high rents Class 10th Ncert History Notes And and may other cesses, which were demanded by talukdars and landlords. The peasants demanded reduction of revenue, abolition of the begar, and social boycott of oppressive landlords.

The tribals were prevented from entering the forests to graze cattle, or to collect fruits and firewood. The new forest laws were a threat to their livelihoods.

The government forced them to do the begar on road construction. Many rebels from the tribal areas became non-violent and often carried guerrilla warfare against the British officials. Various social groups participated in this movement. The movement affected the economy of the British. The import of foreign cloth halved between and , dropping from crore to 57 crore.

Merchants and traders began to refuse to trade in foreign goods or finance foreign trade. As the boycott movement spread and people began discarding imported clothes and started wearing only Indian ones, production of Indian textile mills and handlooms went up.

In June , Jawaharlal Nehru approached villagers to understand their grievances. Soon the Noncooperation Movement and Awadh peasant struggle became popular. As the movement spread in , the houses of talukdars and merchants were attacked.

Bazaars were looted and grain stores were taken over. Gandhiji declared that no taxes were to be paid and land was to be redistributed among the poor.

Tribal peasants interpreted the message of Mahatma Gandhi and the idea of Swaraj in another way. In the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh, for instance, a militant guerrilla movement spread in the early s. It was done to oppose the ban which the colonial government had imposed on the hill people. It was declared that 26 January, would be celebrated as the Independence Day when people were to take a pledge to struggle for complete independence.

But the celebration attracted very little attention. The Commission was made to look into the functioning of the constitutional system in India and suggest changes. But since all the members in the Commission were British, the Indian leaders opposed the Commission.

The Simon Commission arrived in India in All parties joined the protest. He also offered to hold a Round Table Conference to discuss the future Constitution. Most of the people; including the British scoffed at the idea.

Abolition of the salt tax was among many demands which were raised by Gandhiji through a letter to Viceroy Irwin. Geography Notes � Click. Indian Polity Notes � Click. Economics Notes � Click. General Science Notes � Click. Current Affairs Notes � Click. Maths Notes � Click. Reasoning Notes � Click. English Grammar Notes � Click. General Hindi Notes � Click. Science and Tech Notes � Click. The Renaissance in Europe fostered new political ideas.

Many European nations experienced heightened periods of nationalism in the 19th century. The major outcome of the revolution was the formation of a constitutional monarchy and a sizeable reduction in the royal and feudal privileges. He introduced several effective administrative changes like the Civil Code of , also known as the Napoleonic code.

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