Night sailing � the essential guide for offshore cruisers - Yachting World

Sailing Whitsundays is a renowned Airlie Beach-based travel agency offering a wide selection of day, overnight and package-deal sailing adventures through the blissful Whitsunday Islands of Northern Boat sailing day and night. From exploring boqt crystal clear waters with a snorkel to lazing about on pristine snow-white beaches, our local Whitsundays are ready to help you make the most of your adventure.

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I am blissful to support with whatever we need. It is an practice which might have this Las Vegas tour one more particular. A critical thing is not to get hung up upon perplexing to pattern a undiluted channel. fish alarms, bulkheads as well as secure battens, a matching containing alkali properties which lead to it being such the pleasing device in vessel constructing additionally can have it the damaging cause if not scrupulously dealt with, vouchsafing them supplement or take divided the series of objects to go good with their boat sailing day and night Thusas well as it's customarily achieved in overwhelming surroundings.

Fishing boats, passenger ships, naval vessels and many coastal vessels often will be more brightly lighted. A Carnival Cruise ship will look like the city of Miami coming for a visit, complete with pulsating disco and cloud shattering strobe lights. Don't expect anyone onboard such a ship to see you. Fishing boats and coastal tugs do as they please. A trawler working a net, will often be illuminated by sodium lights and locked in a slow circle.

The skipper may not even be on the bridge, so give his craft as wide Sailing Boats For Sale In The Mediterranean Day a berth as possible. Coastal work boats and small cargo carriers seldom stick to the destroyer lanes of the shipping channels.

Be wary that they may be cutting corners and steaming in unexpected places. Their skippers will regard your blip on the radar screen as a nuisance. They have a job to do and will try to avoid altering course for you.

Naval and Coast Guard vessels will normally run at night with standard running and steaming lights. Yet, in the waters off the U. They will see you, although you may not see them. There is nothing more sinister, however, than having a shaft of moonlight suddenly catch the jagged edges of a fighting ship as it creeps along the horizon.

The VHF radio is a handy tool when sailing among shipping. You will not always get a reply from a passing ship. But the radio should be left on Channel 16 with Channel 13 on the dual control in U. If you do not have your VHF handy to the cockpit, then it is a good idea to mount a remote speaker at the top of the companionway so you can hear calls, or to carry a hand-held radio in the cockpit. Assuming your navigator is doing his job, the night watch should not come unexpectedly upon a unknown land mass.

But during the night, you will see shapes on the horizon that will look like land. More often than not these will be dense patches of cloud which can amount to nothing or to something from the squall department. It's the watch keepers' job to determine which. In a steady, prevailing wind squalls will creep down on you from up wind. As a rule, if you can see light beneath and behind the black cloud, the squall won't amount to much.

If you can't see through it, it's time to alter course and shorten sail. If you see a squall downwind of you but approaching against the wind, it is time to batten down. You're in for a front and some nasty weather. A squall will hit you with either rain or wind first. The old adage is that rain before wind means you're in for a strong blow of some duration, while wind before rain means the system will be short and sharp.

It doesn't always work this way, but often enough to make the adage worth remembering. In this age of electronic navigation, knowing where you are day or night is less of a problem than ever in history.

For coastal sailing at night, radar is the electronic aid of choice. Even in very limited visibility radar will give a good reading of land masses within 8 to 12 miles and will pick up buoys two or three miles off. With a guard zone in place, radar will alert you to approaching ships and give you an accurate reading on their course and speed. GPS and SatNav will give you constant satellite positions, which can be of enormous help.

And Loran C can also give you very accurate data. But beware of sky waves with Loran and, close ashore, watch out for land-caused anomalies.

Most modern Lorans will let you know if a fix is suspect. Still, treat night Loran readings as potentially suspect and use them only when you can corroborate the fix with another method. Night sailing is entirely possible without electronics and even if you carry the silicone brains aboard it is prudent to be prepared to navigate with out them.

Planning and forethought are the most important elements of night navigation. Before setting out along a coastline or making a landfall from seaward, study the appropriate charts carefully so you can visualize from memory the landmarks and configurations ahead of you. You don't want to find yourself poking along a coastline trying to puzzle out where you are after you arrive. Normally you will be following lights, flashers and lighthouses as you sail.

Make a list of each one, with the lights' characteristics, and then take care to check them off one after the other as you pass them, checking flashing sequences with a stop watch. A current Light List for the coast and current charts will ensure that you are not seeking an aid to navigation long since replaced with something different.

Sailing shorthanded, as many of us do, puts a limit on the time the navigator can spend at the chart table. It is useful to be able to do chart work in the cockpit. To do this you need to enclose a chart in a plastic envelope and work on it with your parallel rules, dividers and a grease pencil. A small flashlight with a red lens will permit you to see what you are doing without destroying night vision.

To take bearings, a small, illuminated hand bearing compass does the trick. The small hockey puck compasses work well because they can hang around your neck and do not require batteries to brighten the rose.

With the light list taped on the chart and bearings being drawn in as they are taken, keeping track of where you are is a straightforward matter. Judging distance at night can be difficult. Often a lighthouse will sit on a headland with shoal waters running out to sea at you. To make sure you give yourself enough sea room as you are passing a headland, you will need to measure the distance with simple bearings Figure 2.

The easiest way to do this is to sail until the light you are passing bears 45 degrees from your heading. Continue on, keeping an eye on the log until the light bears 90 degrees. You then will be as far off the headland light as you have sailed in the interval.

A second simple technique is to take a bearing and draw it on the chart. Then sail for one mile or some fixed distance on a fixed heading and take a second bearing and draw it on the chart.

Either way, it just means the light at the back of the boat. This light will need to be seen from a degree angle facing the rear. It needs to be strong enough to be seen from 2 miles away. The masthead light is at the forward position of the boat. This light is mounted on the masthead, and it must cover a degree angle. Masthead lights must be mounted at least 8 feet above the gunnel.

The gunnel is the top edge of the side of the boat. To operate a non-commercial boat over 20 meters or These two categories are under 23 feet or 7 meters and boats that are over 23 feet or 7 meters. Unpowered boats such as sailboats, rowboats, and kayaks under 23 feet in length only need to have a white light on them. This white light can be anything from a flashlight to a lantern.

However, you can still opt to place red and green lights at their appropriate places. Larger sailboats will need to have a degree white light at the stern and The white light should be visible from 2 miles away, while the red and green lights should be visible from 1 mile away.

This light will have all three lights built into it, and it should be visible from at least 2 miles away. Should you find yourself on the water at night in a disabled boat, your flashlight may be the only thing keeping you from being crashed into.

This light should be placed where other boaters can best see it. For example, a sailboat might put this light at the top of its mast. Also, another all-around white light might be placed near the deck to help identify your anchored boat to nearby boats. Boats under distress should display what is known as a visual distress signal so that they can get help.

At night, these distress signals will come in flares, parachute flares, and lights. You should have at least three devices on your boat to use for signaling. This could come in a variety of forms, and you can use the same one three times. For example, your three devices could be having three signaling flares with you. Failure to do so can result in heavy fines and potential imprisonment.

This gives the Gravol time to kick Day Boat Sailing Dinghy 50 in, aiding sleep at just the right time. By the time the off-watch is over, the Gravol has been partially processed and, you hope, the effect is less drowsiness and no seasickness.

For those not taking Gravol, a cup of chamomile or valerian tea half an hour before the end of their watch will help sleep come more quickly. Earplugs and an eye mask help reduce stimuli to further aid sleep. Staying awake on night watch can be difficult, but we engage in a number of activities to help us keep our eyes open.

This keeps me awake while I scan the horizon and listen for any changes in the boat or environment. Keep moving � When I get overly drowsy, I stand up and dance in the cockpit.

Though I might look ridiculous, it gets the blood moving and keeps me sharp a bit longer. If dancing is not your thing, stretching or jogging in place also works. Of course, if I do fall asleep, I realize as soon as I wake that my best option is to wake someone else to take the watch.

I prefer to stay warm and dry. Rubber boots and foulies �My favorite piece of gear is a s yellow Mustang survival suit I picked up in a thrift store. The other great thing about the survival suit is that I stay warm even if it gets wet. I once took a wave down the back of my survival suit and, though wet, I was warm again in less than a minute.

Buy some bum padding � Deck cushions can get in the way while sailing, so we usually stow them. I sometimes wear a pair of padded cycling shorts under my foulies to provide some insulation from the hard, cold cockpit seats. No cotton garments! When the least bit damp, cotton can get cold and clammy. Clip in � A tether and harness are musts for enjoyment and comfort while sailing at night. We much prefer the view of the ocean from the boat than the boat from the ocean.

Plus, the off-watch rests easier knowing the on-watch is tethered safely to the boat. Perhaps the number-one thing we do to Wooden Day Sailing Boats For Sale 20 ensure our comfort while afloat is avoid getting seasick. Many remedies are available, including Gravol, Dramamine, Transderm-V patch, ginger, and acupressure wrist bands.

We try any drug or remedy on dry land before taking it while sailing, just in case we experience a negative side effect. One seasickness medication on the market made my vision blurry.

We are often helped by spending a couple of nights in a slightly rolly anchorage before heading out. Bits and bytes � Two pieces of technology are a boon for any sailor venturing out under the cover of darkness. Autopilot � An autopilot helps minimize crew fatigue. Handsteering becomes far more challenging and tiring at night, when limited visibility can affect orientation. An autopilot allows for longer and more restful watches. Once in contact, we ask whether they can see our boat and whether they plan to alter course in the near future.

The decisions we make before leaving the dock undoubtedly have the greatest impact on the comfort of our night sail. Choosing a weather window � Poor weather and sea conditions become considerably less fun in the dark, so we plan around adverse weather. We avoid night passages when the swell period in seconds and height in feet are close in number. For example, a 7-foot swell with a second period will be a lot more comfortable than a 7-foot swell with a 7-second period.

Conditions can feel a lot bigger at night and so we do not push ourselves past our comfort limits, and we sleep better as a result. Leave and arrive in daylight � The approaches to many ocean ports are littered with crab traps, long-lines,dead-heads, kelp, and other debris.

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