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Enjoy the Wood Wall Map has the legal patent. First-ever Wooden World Map was created by Enjoy the Wood. We made our original design of Wooden World Map Wall Art for ourselves, being very attentive to quality and the outstanding look. Our maps decorate our house and homes of so many people, that's why we are confident in your happiness! The highest quality!. Questions on wooden deck balusters. Welcome to Reddit, the front page of the internet. Become a Redditor. and Wooden Watch Online Journal join one of thousands of communities. ?. k. k.� The long term effects of wearing a solid wood watch are relatively minimal so long as you don't get it wet. I do things a bit differently by using a metal case and handcrafting my wood dials. Its been dope! Got started after the encouragement from Redditors back in February! permalink. embed. save. See more ideas about wooden watch, wood watch, leather band.� Handmade Bamboo Wood Watch for Men. Beautifully Handcrafted, these watches Wooden Watch Box 10 000 make the Perfect Gift for that Special Man in Your Life. Stylish Watch great for Casual Wear.� /r/woodworking is your home on reddit for furniture, toys, tools, wood, glue, and anything else that has to do with woodworking as a hobby or Wooden Watches For Men. Watch Engraving.

Key concepts Physics Friction Motion Materials Introduction Have you ever tried to get a running start and slide across a smooth, wooden floor while wearing socks?

What happens if you try the same thing on a carpeted floor or while wearing shoes? The amount of friction between your feet Wooden Watch Reddit 8000 and the floor surface determines how well you can slide. Some combinations of surfaces, such as socks on a wooden floor, produce very little friction.

Other combinations, such as rubber soles on a wooden floor, produce much more friction. In this project you'll do a much smaller-scale friction experiment by launching tiny objects along a surface with a rubber band.

How do you think friction will affect how far the objects slide? Background Friction is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching one another. Friction is a very important part of everyday life�without it, you wouldn't be able to walk because your feet would just slip on the floor! Sometimes it is very important for surfaces to have high friction, such as the rubber tires of a car on the road. Other times we want surfaces to have low friction, such as when you go down a slide at the playground or sled on a snowy hill.

The amount of friction changes depending on which materials come into contact with one another. Another thing that can affect friction on an object is the object's weight.

Imagine pushing two boxes�one heavier than the other�made out of the same material. You will have to push harder to move the heavier box. This is because gravity pulls down harder on the heavier one, which increases its friction with the floor. Observations and results Did the quarters go farther on the smooth wooden surface or on the carpet? You should have found that the quarters went much farther on the smooth wooden surface than they did on the carpet. Depending on the strength of your rubber band and how far back you pulled it, you might even have launched them all the way off the table or countertop!

Because there is less friction slowing them down, the quarters can slide farther on the wood before they eventually come to a stop. This activity brought to you in partnership with Science Buddies. You have free article s left. Already a subscriber? Sign in. See Subscription Options. Sign up for our free newsletters.

Sign Up. Materials Rubber band Stack of five or six quarters Scotch tape Smooth wooden surface, such as a table or floor If you do not have a wooden surface, you can use any other type of smooth countertop or table. Rough carpeted surface If you do not have access to carpet, you can tape down several paper towels on top of your smooth surface. Ruler optional Preparation Stack your quarters on top of one another. Wrap them in tape so they are secured together. Make sure the bottom of the stack is smooth, with no sharp corners of tape sticking out.

These could get caught on the carpet. Make sure the wooden and carpeted surfaces you will work with are free from any other objects or obstructions. Procedure Form a "C" shape with your index finger and your thumb.

Carefully stretch the rubber band between your index finger and thumb to form a slingshot. Still carefully holding the rubber band, turn your hand upside-down and touch the Wooden Watch Reddit Guidelines tips of your finger and thumb to the wooden surface so the rubber band rests just above the surface.

Load the stack of quarters into your slingshot and pull back on the rubber band. Pay attention to how far you pull back the rubber band; it is important to pull back the same amount each time. What do you think will happen when you release the quarters?

Let go of the quarters to launch them. Watch closely to make sure they slide across the wood and do not get launched into the air or tumble. If the quarters don't slide smoothly, adjust your rubber band and try again. Repeat the launch several times and watch how far the quarters go. Remember to make sure you pull the rubber band back the same distance each time. Do the quarters slide very far or do they come to a stop quickly? What do you think this tells you about friction between your stack of quarters and the wooden surface?

Now, repeat the same process on the carpet. Be careful not to let any corners of the tape get stuck on the carpet. How far do the quarters go on carpet? Do they go farther or less far than they did on wood? What does this tell you about friction between the stack of quarters and the carpet? Is it higher or lower than on wood? Extra: Use a ruler to record how far the quarters go each time. Record all your results in a table and then calculate an average distance for each surface.

How far do the quarters go on average for the wood surface? How far do they go on average for the carpet? Extra: Try out more test surfaces in addition to wood and carpet. What if you go outside and try the experiment on a hard, rough surface, such as the sidewalk or driveway?

What about other surfaces you can find in your home? How far do the quarters slide on different surfaces? Can you guess whether a surface will have high or low friction just by looking at it? Extra: Repeat the activity using different objects instead of your stack of quarters. For example, how do your results change if you try the experiment with a large rubber pencil eraser? Remember that an object's weight determines how much friction it will encounter, so try to use objects that are about the same weight.

You can use a kitchen scale to weigh different objects. Can you find an object that always slides farther than the quarters?

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