Version Weekly. Science subjects are crucial for students who want to make a career in engineering, medical or class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 other related fields. There is no substitute for consistent practice whether one wants to understand a concept thoroughly or one wants to class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 better.

Question class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45. When crystals of lead nitrate are heated strongly in a dry test tube a crystals immediately melt b a brown residue is left c white fumes appear in the test tube d a yellow residue is left. Answer: b Pungent smelling, brown fumes are evolved due to NO2 gas and brown coloured residue of lead oxide PbO is left. Question 2. A dilute ferrous sulphate solution was gradually added to the beaker containing acidified permanganate solution.

The light purple colour of the solution fades and finally disappears. Which of the following class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 the correct explanation for the observation?

Answer: a Potassium permanganate KMnO4 in the presence of dil. H2SO4, i. In acidic medium, KMnO4 oxidises ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphate. Question 3. Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to granulated zinc taken in a test tube. The following observations are recorded. Point out the correct observation. Answer: d Zinc metal reacts with dil. HCl to form zinc chloride and bubbles mwths colourless and odourless hydrogen gas is evolved.

Question 4. When a magnesium ribbon is burnt in air, the ash formed is a black b white c yellow d pink. Answer: b When a Mg ribbon is burnt in air, the ash formed is of magnesium oxide which is white in colour.

Question 5. Three beakers labelled as A, B and C each containing 25 mL of water were taken. A class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 amount of NaOH, anhyd. It was observed that there pdv an increase in the temperature of mmaths solutions contained in beakers A and B whereas, in case of beaker C, the temperature of the solution falls.

In beakers A and B, exothermic process has occurred. In beakers A and B, endothermic process has occurred. In beaker C, the exothermic process has occurred. In beaker C, endothermic process has Ch 8 Maths Class 10 Pdf Linux occurred. Answer: c As in case of beakers A and B, heat is given out, so temperature became high, hence it is an exothermic reaction while in beaker C, heat is absorbed from water, so temperature falls, hence it is an endothermic process.

Question 6. Which of the following will be required to identify the gas evolved when dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with zinc metal? Answer: d On reacting with dil. HCl, zinc Ch 4 Maths Class 10 Pdf 2019 metal forms zinc chloride and hydrogen gas is evolved.

Presence of hydrogen gas can be checked by a burning splinter because H4 gas pfd in a splinter with a pop sound. Question 7. On immersing an iron nail in CuSO4 solution for few minutes, you will observe that a no reaction takes place b the colour of solution fades away c the surface of iron nails acquire a black coating d the class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 of solution changes to green.

And the colour of the solution fades away. This is an example of displacement reaction. Question 8. What happens when ferrous sulphate crystals are heated? Answer: a The green colour of ferrous sulphate crystals changes to brownish black ferric oxide and smell of burning sulphur is evolved due to SO2 and SO3. Question 9.

The colour of the pdg formed when barium chloride solution is mixed with sodium sulphate solution is [CCE ] a blue b black c white d green. Answer: c This is an example of a double displacement reaction and a white precipitate of barium sulphate is formed. Question How the colour changes when the gases after thermal decomposition of ferrous sulphate come in contact with an acidified solution of potassium dichromate?

Answer: c The color changes from orange to green due to the formation of iron III sulphate. Question 1 A solution turns red litmus blue, its pH is likely to be a 1 b 4 c 5 d Question 2 A solution reacts with crushed-egg shells to give a gas that turns lime water milky. Question 4 Which one of the following types of medicines is used for treating indigestion? Question 5 Write word equations and then balanced equations for the reaction taking place when a dilute sulphuric acid reacts with zinc granules b dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium Class 7 Maths Ch 10 Ex 10.1 Pdf ribbon c dilute sulphuric acid 445 with aluminium powder d dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with iron filing.

Metals and Nonmetals Class 10 Question 1. Which of the following pairs will give displacement reactions? Which of the following methods is suitable for preventing an iron frying pan from rusting? An element reacts with oxygen to give a compound with a high melting point. This compound is also soluble in water. The element is likely to be a calcium b carbon c silicon d iron.

Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because a zinc is costlier than tin b zinc has pdff higher melting point than tin c zinc is less reactive than tin d zinc is more reactive than tin. Answer: c Buckminster fullerene is an allotrope of carbon containing clusters of 60 carbon atoms joined together class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 form clase molecules.

Cch formula isC 60 C-sixty. It is a dark solid at room temperature and as compared to another allotropic form of carbon diamond and graphiteit is neither very hard nor soft.

Answer: d Atoms class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 than C and H, if present in organic compound, are called heteroatoms. In which of the following.

The soap molecule has a [NCERT Exemplar] a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail b hydrophobic head and a hydrophilic tail c hydrophobic head and a hydrophobic tail d hydrophilic head and a hydrophilic tail. The long hydrocarbon chain is hydrophobic water repelling and ionic class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 is hydrophilic water attracting.

Answer: c Benzene molecule contains alternate single. Its formula is C 6 H 6. In structure b formula is C 6 H In structure a double bond is not at alternate position. Which of the following is not a straight chain hydrocarbon?

Answer: chain hydrocarbon not straight chain hydrocarbon. Rest three are straight chain hydrocarbons. Which among the following are unsaturated hydrocarbons?

Answer: c Unsaturated hydrocarbons have double or triple bond in the structure. Both ii and iv structures have triple and double carbon-carbon bonds respectively. Chlorine reacts with saturated hydrocarbons at room temperature in the [NCERT Exemplar] a absence of sunlight b presence of sunlight c presence of water d presence of hydrochloric acid. Answer: b Chlorine reacts with saturated hydrocarbon at room temperature in the presence of sunlight.

In the above given reaction, alk. Butanone is lcass four carbon compound with functional group [NCERT Exemplar] a carboxylic acid b aldehyde c ketone d alcohol. Answer: c In butanone, the functional group is. Which of the following does not belong to the same homologous series?

Answer: d Because succesive members of a homologous series differ by �CH 2 unit. Thus, C 4 H 10 is the next member of this series.

So, C 4 H 8 does not belong to the homologous series. Answer: b Structure formula pff ethane C 2 H class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 is It is clear that it has 7 covalent bonds. Which of the following are correct structural isomers of butane?

Answer: a Structure i is n-butane and structure iii is iso-butane. Since, molecular formula is same, only structures are different. So, i and iii are isomers while structures ii and iv have molecular formulaC 4 H 8.

In the soap micelles, [NCERT Exemplar] a the ionic end of soap is on the surface of the cluster while the carbon chain is in the interior of the cluster b ionic end of soap is in the interior of the cluster and the classs chain is out of the cluster c 22 ionic end and carbon chain are in the interior of the cluster d Both ionic end and carbon chain are on the exterior of the cluster. In a soap micelle, the soap molecules are arranged readily with hydrocarbon ends directed towards the centre and ionic ends directed outwards.

Oils on treating with hydrogen in the presence of palladium or nickel catalyst form fats. This is an example of [NCERT Exemplar] a addition reaction b substitution reaction c displacement reaction d oxidation reaction. Answer: a Oils are unsaturated compounds containing double bonds. Addition reactions are characteristic property of unsaturated hydrocarbons. The given reaction is class 10 maths ch 2 pdf 45 example of vh reaction.

Carbon forms four covalent bonds Class 10 Maths Ch 6 Pdf 091 by sharing its four valence electrons with four univalent atoms, e.

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