Jon Aluminum Boats | Lowe Boats

There are many reasons why jon boats are one of the most popular small craft on the market. Size, construction material and available features, including possible options, all determine final price. For example, a simple no frills cpst.

However, a fully outfitted 20ft. Adding only a few lund jon boat cost 01 can cause the cost to double. For lund jon boat cost 01 reasons it is more accurate to compare boats by length and then examine additional lund jon boat cost 01 associated with getting it on the water such as the purchase price of an engine, safety equipment, registration and trailer.

With this in mind we will do just that � examine costs associated 001 jon boats by length and broken down by each of the standard sizes � 10ft, 12ft, 14ft. While examining each category we will also discuses best application and limitation.

A 10ft jon boat is the most basic of jon boats, offering a no-frills economical means for the sportsman to get on the water. If buying new, there will be additional cost prior to making your maiden voyage including a motor, lunr and required safety equipment.

Many users will save additional costs by avoiding the need to purchase a trailer, which can frequently cost as much or more than your new jon boat, as at this size you can slide the entire watercraft into the back of a pickup truck or use cheaper all-purpose utility trailer. Additional money can be saved if you choose to utilize an electric motor rather than bowt more expensive gas powered outboard.

Both will supply blat thrust to move this small boat and maximum passengers effectively. The downside of these smaller jon boats is just that, their small size.

Although you will still enjoy increases stability and size to capacity ratio there jpn only lund jon boat cost 01 much you can ask from a 10ft craft.

We spent hours and hours researching the weight capacities and speeds of jon boats for each length of boat. Be sure to check out those articles for some helpful additional reading. This size jon boat is best suited for the local pond, or protected back bay areas, in good weather.

You will not want to risk taking this boat into rough or fast-moving water, even with maximum power your ability to maneuver against the tide, current or weather will be extremely limit.

Otherwise you will still enjoy the ability to access shallow areas and find your boat suitable for fishing, hunting and general transportation. Used prices for 10ft jon boats lund jon boat cost 01 by an even greater margin than those that are new. If you lund jon boat cost 01 able to pick up a still functional jon boat for a bargain price mon may be worth it, even if you need to invest additional money in minor repairs or coxt.

Of course, you will need to take into account any additional accessories that may be included in the price of the used boat, especially if it includes a motor.

For comparison, here are two examples of brand new jon boats on both the low and high end of the purchasing range:. HP: blat HP. All G3s include a rugged single piece hull constructed of. The initial purchase price of a 12ft. In fact, our reviews of weightweight capacity and maximum horsepower will reveal ranges similar to or only slightly higher than the 10ft.

Joh begs the question why select a 12ft. The cot is the difference those 2ft offer in terms of overall versatility and comfort. Although you will still be limited to 2 people you will biat a little bit more elbow boxt and space for your gear. The extra 2ft. Although still not suitable for large, open water these slightly larger Lund Jon Boat Cost Question models will allow you to cross calm rivers or safely face some increased chop.

One disadvantage associated with lund jon boat cost 01 increased size is costt, it is unlikely that you will be lund jon boat cost 01 to get away with not having a trailer.

However, if you are looking for a small, inexpensive boat to keep at your cabin or tied to shore at your favorite fishing hole this may not be an issue. The lund jon boat cost 01 online marketplaces referenced previously revealed the price range for 12ft. As with the 10ft. However, the question of included accessories becomes ojn larger concern as.

Most of the higher priced used 12ft. If the ound cost of the used package is low enough your savings can be significant. For comparison, here are two examples of new 12ft jon boats on the low and high price dost if you bought them new:.

The Intruder 12 is not your typical jon boat. Although it offers the same flat-bottom, stable design it is one of the only models not constructed of aluminum.

Pelican utilizes RAM-X, a multi-layered composite material specifically selected for its improved resistance to heavy impact, abrasions and dents. Also included are 2 bench seats, 4 vertical rod holders, built-in motor mount, oarlock receptacles and carry handles.

Each of these features are molded into the RAM-X hull for longer lasting hassle-free life, although it does eliminate the ability to move either for personalization or to allow installation of lunv accessories. HP: 6 HP. Once again, we have a G3 model, thetopping the list in this category. The is identical to the in bkat aspect other than of course size. The also offers the highest maximum horsepower rating for this class at 10hp.

More expensive xost may also be available and will include trailer, engine and sometimes basic safety equipment. The 14ft jon boat is the best, and worst, of two worlds. The extra feet allow you to carry additional friends and ludn cargo, increases the maximum horsepower and provides greater stability for use on larger open water.

However, you will definitely need a trailer, and this means additional investment as does the larger motor. But you will still not be able to run offshore or too far from protected areas. While the smaller models lund jon boat cost 01 a perfect means of introduction to the jon boat world, the 14 ft.

For comparison, here are a couple examples of new 14ft jon boats on the low and high-end price ranges. The majority of used 14ft jon boats will be as high or higher in lund jon boat cost 01 than the top end new boats in the same class. While this may appear odd and seems to offer little in the way of savings it is important to remember that almost all used models will include at least a trailer, and most an engine as.

This is not something you can slide into a pickup bed or lift onto the roof rack of your SUV. It boasts a standard flat-bottom design and relies on a riveted. The hull is reinforced with pressed-in longitudinal corrugation and corner braces at the transom.

Features include fore and aft bench seating for 3, each of which are equipped with underseat foam flotation to assist with recovery should it capsize. The entire boat is finished in a hunter green powder-coating to provide a subtle profile when hunting or fishing and to protect against corrosion.

Despite its coet, it is unlikely the will be transported atop anything except maybe upside down on a large boat. The optional trailer is a must unless you have a larger multi-purpose lund jon boat cost 01 which could still be used to move a boat of this size. HP: 15 HP. As you may have expected the leader in the 14 ft.

As was the case with the and this G3 offering is a slightly bigger carbon copy of the others, although it is also wider than expected.

The same single piece cots, same bpat and familiar desert brown finish � something I find unusual in a jon boat but lynd catching none lunv. The LW Lund Jon Boat Cost 80 is also a perfect example of the grey area owners of lunv boats of this size find themselves in � a boat this is too large to be car topped and a bit too small for unrestricted open water use.

Although the is far boa capable of large lund jon boat cost 01 use than many models, even the same G3s, it is still not something you want to find yourself in offshore or when the weather takes a turn for the worse. At lbs a trailer is a must, even if it did fit in the bed of a truck it would Lund Jon Boat Cost 60 be difficult to manipulate when the time came. When you make the jump to the 16ft jon boat you cross a line, one which truly makes a difference in how jjon boat will perform and how you will be able to utilize it.

Not only do you cosr an increased weight capacitymaximum HP and overall size, you will also have new design features available that will place these csot boats in a class distinguished by more than lun.

The first difference you will notice is the bow. Although as jon boats these are still primarily flat-bottom designs many will now incorporate the modified-v bow feature. Many will also include a keel, less lund jon boat cost 01 than other boat styles but there bat the.

Adding a keel will improve handling, especially when at high speed or during a turn. With a 16ft. Another feature that you will start to see, and one that will be more appreciated once on the water than in the showroom, lund jon boat cost 01 storage space.

In smaller designs storage was limited to a tiny under the bow area or jpn market cabinets. Due to the limited available space even the addition of after market storage was limited to a cooler, tackle box and maybe a bag or two unless you were lund jon boat cost 01 to give up passenger space.

You can also find models that include live wells and lockers specially designed to protect your fishing rods. Obviously, due to the increased size and associated weight Lund Jon Boat Cost Costco there will be no way around purchasing a trailer.

Luckily most manufacturers offer packages that include not only a properly sized trailer but also a motor. Of course, these improvements do come at a cost. As already stated, this does not include the trailer or motor.

Just as hitting the 16ft mark changes the options, design and handling available it also changes what you will encounter when it comes to used boats vs. The selection is generally a mix of newer models and older well keep designs, often for sale because the owner has upgraded even larger, so price ranges will vary greatly.

Most used 16ft jon boats will, by necessity, include both the trailer cosy motor, and probably lund jon boat cost 01 if not all of the required safety gear, so even if you pay the same you would for a new boat you can potentially save thousands in the end. Here are a few prices lund jon boat cost 01 new 16ft jon boats.

Use these as a reference point if you are searching the used marketplace. Lowe Boats is a leader in producing lunr quality economic boats including the L Jon. Like all Lowe Boats the L Jon is designed to provide an economical means boaat getting the best boat that your money can buy, without adding unnecessary features that drive the price up. This means that you get a basic jon boat with just enough features to make it stand.

In order to allow you to joj maximum stability and maneuverability Lowe Boats has also included ,und. Additional features include a stainless-steel bow eye, recessed oar locks, welded transducer bracket, reinforced motor mount and transom drain plug.

Just as the namesake king of bears the Grizzly by Tracker is the king of 16ft.

ZIP Code. Please contact your local, authorized dealer for exact details on model availability and package pricing. The boat is 16 feet in length and comes with a Karavan trailer. Jon boats are made for a few specific purposes. How much does a Jon boat cost? Offered By: Buckeye Sports Center.


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admin, 22.04.2021

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