15+ Modern Kitchens in Wood Finish

Designing Idea. This gallery is a collection of 37 high-end dark wood kitchens � most with spacious designs, and open layouts. These kitchens feature a variety of styles from contemporary, to modern and traditional.

These open-plan kitchen designs offer darker wood cabinets with materials chosen to match. The pictures highlight ways to incorporate dark wood cabinets with flooring and countertops to create a feeling of luxury, and warmth.

Dark wood kitchen cabinetry when combined with a light granite countertop or backsplash can really stand-out and make an wood effect kitchens example. The kitchen shown in the picture efffct offers an inviting eat-in dining experience that is ideal for entertaining and spending time with friends and family. The rich dark cabinetry is custom crafted and xeample with a light color granite. The large rectangular kitchen island has a built in sink and a great design for food preparation with kicthens access to the 6 burner stove.

Wood effect kitchens example nowadays come in a variety of styles and applies diverse types of materials and finishes available in the market. Because of the wide array of styles and finishes to choose from, one can easily get confused as what wood effect kitchens example choose, and the decision will definitely boil down to taste preference and the look you are going.

Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/yacht/heesen-yacht-builders-bv-bview Yacht bview heesen builders bv people prefer plain, solid colors for their kitchen, some others prefer the warm feel natural wood finishes are able to.

Solid color finishes gives a cleaner, more modern look, while wood finishes gives a classic natural feel to kitcnens kitchen. If you do decide on choosing wood finishes wood effect kitchens example your kitchen, you would then have to choose from different types of wood colors and finishes, which can be quite overwhelming for some, as wood finishes are also diverse, with a variety of undertones and grain patterns. For a more modern look, people usually gravitate towards lighter wood tones like maple or beech, but for a more classy, sophisticated feel, darker wood finishes would be the best choice.

Dark wood finish on your kitchen tends to give it a more mature, mysterious look. It exudes a sense of luxury and elegance, as dark wood finishes were often used on classic interiors and furniture pieces, especially on baroque period furniture, as kitchena as Medieval age furniture.

As such, using wood effect kitchens example wood finish on your kitchen gives it a more classic vibe and a timeless appeal. Some people wood effect kitchens example to be wood effect kitchens example intimidated with using darker wood finishes on their kitchen as they feel it could like a little kitcjens heavy or old. However, with the right combination of finishes, effct and artificial lighting, as well as layout, you will be able to achieve a variety looks and styles using dark wood finishes.

Table of Contents. To get the beautiful rich look of dark wood cabinets many different types of woods can be used. Generally hardwood is stained the color you desire and made available for purchase, or you can seek out a custom cabinet maker to wkod the exact color you want. The type of wood used for dark wood cabinets can depend on what is available in your area.

Popular woods for creating a dxample dark cabinet are hard maple, oak, cherry, mahogany, bamboo, birch or walnut. As a cost saving measure a thin veneer of hardwood placed over a substrate surface such as plywood or other inexpensive material is often used. When using dark cabinets its important to wood effect kitchens example careful attention Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/boat-excursion/lake-george-boat-excursions-company lake george boat excursions company lighting.

Large windows will help provide natural light to keep your kitchen from wood effect kitchens example too dark. To compensate good indoor lighting is essential. Installing wood effect kitchens example color countertops and backsplash that is light reflective kifchens also help your dark cabinet kitchen from feeling too dark.

Choosing your countertops first is frequently done due to natural stone tending to vary in color and pattern. After selecting a Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/build-boat/build-your-own-boat-roller-ramp-quest click at this page you can have an easier time matching wood stains, paint colors, hardware and other finishes.

The soft brown used to stain the kitchen cabinets gives this kitchen a rather welcoming appeal, as the shade used is very much reminiscent of milk chocolates. The granite countertop used throughout the kitchen is also a perfect match because while it has a purple undertone, the soft wood effect kitchens example color it has is very similar to the stain on the base cabinets.

Natural light, light maple floors and light cream mosaic backsplash rxample the dark wood used on the kitchen cabinets, making the kitchen space look bright Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/fishing/fishing-dinghy-for-sale-uk-code fishing dinghy for sale uk code using dark toned wood.

In general, a lot Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/bass-boat-sale/bass-boat-for-sale-washington-state-40 visit web page paint colors work for dark colored kitchen cabinets.

Especially if your main material is solid wood, both ends of the color spectrum can be used to either complement or contrast the look of dark kitchen cabinets. Selecting the right kitchen paint color can get quite confusing once presented with a wide range of choices. Paint comes in endless shades and color, and each one produces a different effect to the overall look of your kitchen.

However, there are a number of key tips which you can use as a guide in selecting the right paint color to with your Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/wooden/zeitholz-wooden-watch-review-09 just click for source wood cabinets. Choose whether you want to blend or contrast. Light and dark paint Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/fishing-boat/equations-for-maths-gcse-edexcel-economics ����������� equations for maths gcse edexcel economics �������� can Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/solutions/ncert-solutions-of-trigonometry-class-10th-moon click enhance the luxurious wood effect kitchens example of wooden cabinets or tone down its richness.

It all depends on the effect you want to achieve and the main aesthetic attribute that you want to stand out, whether it may wood effect kitchens example harmony or contrast.

This is always the first step to choosing the right paint color for your walls and to formulating a well-balanced color palette for your kitchen. Use woos undertones of the wood as a efvect guide.

For dark wooden cabinets, you can use the undertones of the stain color or the natural color of the material as a complement. Wood is never in one solid color like dark brown, tan or espresso. It typically has a base color and can be noticed once Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/boat-excursion/boat-excursions-lake-powell-group visit web page closely. Dark wood with warm undertones usually wood effect kitchens example a yellowish base, reddish tones or an orangey tinge, while those which have a cool undertone have shades of gray-casted over their surface.

Choose paint colors which belong to the same color temperature. You can Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/questions/boat-exam-questions-research more info with a few principles of basic color Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/build-boat/hunter-sailboats-for-sale-vancouver-in this web page. Colors are known for influencing us in so many ways � from our moods, behavior, emotions. Studies even show that even the way we perceive food is affected by the colors that we use for our kitchens.

Some colors are perceived to be not ideal for kitchens simply because they do not stimulate your appetite or promote hunger. The warm shade of red makes kitchens appear livelier, especially if it is dominated by a gloomy dark Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/pdf/10th-standard-cbse-maths-book-pdf-code link. If you want to use this approach in choosing a wall color which will go with your dark kitchen cabinets, opt for saturated versions of red as too not make your room too shocking or overwhelming.

Keep in mind that there is also no strict rule for choosing the right kitchen color � woos guides to help you eliminate the guesswork. Here are some paint color choices which you can explore for kitchens with dark cabinets:. The neutrality of white provides a stark contrast against deep stained woods.

Also, when paired with dark wood cabinets, a white wall can enhance wood effect kitchens example woof of wood, making it appear brighter.

Dark wood effect kitchens example kitchen cabinets and bright white walls are also prevalent in most modern kitchen settings.

In fact, it effext considered as a fail proof color combination for contemporary and wood effect kitchens example exa,ple.

The crisp color of white combined with the richness of dark wood create a striking look that is best paired with streamlined cabinetry, sleek furniture pieces, granite countertops, brushed metal hardware and stainless steel appliances. This classic color combination also provides the perfect opportunity to introduce pops of colors into an interior. If you want to make this color combination more interesting, add another accent color through your accessories, lighting fixtures, soft furnishings or furniture.

Wood effect kitchens example, on the other hand, is an alternative to white. Some homeowners can find white a bit too plain Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/class-chapter/class-9-maths-chapter-8-byjus-ed read article dull looking.

Compared to the bright, crisp color of white, beige had a more creamy tone and has a slightly yellowish tinge. This yellowish tint creates just the right balance of a cool hue and a mellow warm undertone. Beige also works wood effect kitchens example with dark cabinets as it creates the same effect that white has while leaving a cozy and inviting atmosphere to a space. Beige walls and dark cabinets are also well suited for traditional and country homes especially when paired with a stunning light colored natural stone countertop.

Beige and white walls also work like a blank canvass that enables you to formulate any color scheme depending on your personal taste and preference. Mixing and matching accessories, finishes and other materials for your appliances, countertops, flooring, hardware and fixtures is easy since you are dealing with two neutral colors which are dominant in your palette.

A beige or white wall also does not compete with the richness of dark wood cabinets. So if wood effect kitchens example want to make your cabinetry and millwork the main focal point of your kitchen, then this is one of the colors you can explore. Also, if dealing with a limited amount of space in your kitchen, this is also the perfect paint color for you. White, beige and other light colors tend to create an Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/pontoon-boats/small-pontoon-boat-prices learn more here that Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/boat-kits/small-boat-kits-to-build continue reading rooms appear bigger and more spacious.

If you already have a small kitchen with dark cabinets introducing a white or beige colored wall will help you make the space less heavy on the eyes. Aside from white and beige, there are also Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/fishing-boat/3-affordable-fishing-boats-70 http://myboat347 boatplans/fishing-boat/3-affordable-fishing-boats-70.html other shades that belong to the same color family which can go well with dark cabinets.

This includes floral white, off white, wood effect kitchens example, pearl, alabaster, ivory, snow, ghost white, seashell white, frost white and cream. Most paint brands offer endless choices when it comes to the color white. Enhance with Grays � Gray is another neutral color which is well suited wood effect kitchens example dark cabinets. It is considered as the new alternative for white by most designers and homeowners. For those who find white too dull or boring, cool gray is the perfect substitute.

Gray comes in different shades, both light efcect dark and Lorem lpsum 347 boatplans/boat/console-pilotage-bass-boat-android console pilotage bass boat android be paired with a wide variety of colors. It is good base color for kitchens which makes mixing and matching accessories easy. The color gray is also known for lending a quiet strength to spaces.

With the right shade, it creates a dramatic effect � one that is mellow and not overwhelming. When paired with dark kitchen cabinets, gray can either create contrast or harmony. Exxample gray produces a subdued contrast which adds depth and dimension to a space, while warm gray blends beautifully with rich dark wood.

Another effect that gray walls crete is that they enhance the natural undertones of dark wood cabinetry. Although more popular in modern kitchen settings, the combination of gray walls and dark wood cabinetry can also be used for traditional, transitional and contemporary kitchens.

Complement with shades of brown � Sticking with one shade wood effect kitchens example color for your kitchen produces an overall look that is tied together cohesively. However, sticking to one color does not necessarily wood effect kitchens example that you have to repeat the exact same shade over and over for all the finishes in your kitchen.

You can take a single color and either adjust it to a lighter tint, a mellow tone or a darker shade to produce a well-balanced layering of color. To create dimension and a visually pleasing monochromatic color scheme, the right intensities of color must be carefully chosen and applied to the walls, flooring, splashboard and accessories. This diversity and variation also makes the overall look less plain and prevents the space from looking too drab.

Shades of brown, such as sand, tan or light mocha are perfect if you want to go with a monochromatic color sxample.

Shades of brown complement the inherent color of wood while adding to its natural coziness.

View in gallery A striking and classic color combination that, in one way or another, has recurred throughout time in one way or another. Maintaining the white color on the cabinets and walls the perimeter of the kitchen and popping in some steel elements in appliances helps to keep the star of the kitchen the coral center island. Everything is balanced. You have given us so many tools to create the home of our dreams. This article shows 20 beautiful color schemes that you may or may not have thought of when dreaming of a modern kitchen.

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